06 Sep How I “Live My Health”
I was privileged to be featured on the Fruitive Company Blog for Recipe Fridays! I shared my favorite Rainbow Summer Rolls + Peanut Sauce recipe.
When being contacted, one of the topics to be included in my guest post was a short story/bio/testimonial of how I live my health everyday. It was hard for me to write this, as I had so much to say and did not know how to put it into words. There is a lot to my background that I have really not share with many people, and I felt the only way to really explain myself was to share the details of my past. Unfortunately, I am not ready to do so, but I feel that I have shared my thoughts almost parallel to actuality in what I eventually produced within the post.
I am sharing this because I want to inspire those {who I am fortunate enough to have} visiting my blog, and I want all people to willingly CHOOSE health. Be it that you are a vegan, vegetarian, pestcatarian, or living on a standard American Diet, I want to inspire you to make small changes that will allow you health both physically and mentally. I want health to be your choice, your lifestyle, and an important aspect of your everyday life.
So what exactly does “living your health” mean?
I have reproduced what I feel is the best explanation from the Live Your Health Blog:
“Live Your Health means exactly what you think it means, but with a slight twist. It’s about doing what you think is healthy and not being a HYPOCRITE. Yep, we said it, hypocrite. Live Your Health is about setting your healthy standards and sticking to them. However, it’s not necessarily about driving yourself into the ground; we want you to enjoy the journey. With #LiveYourHealth, we encourage you to listen to what your body wants and pursue what’s personally healthy for you.
Are we trying to define your health? No, absolutely not!
We believe that only you can define your health, that’s why it’s live“your” health not live “our” health! Our goal is to promote healthy lifestyles and give you suggestions on how to get there. It’s your job to define your own health, values and standards, and stick to them with integrity. For us personally, we take a health standard as abrand, and that standard is to be 100% plant-based and we achieved and continue to maintain that standard! Our next step is that 100%of our ingredients will meet organic standards. We will be completely honest with you, and we encourage you to be completely honest with yourself in return!
How do I live my health?
Having battled with a health issue for a large portion of my teenage years, health holds an importance to me that may not be the same to others of my age. Health is now, and will forever be, one of the most imperative aspects of my life. Although the experiences I had are not ones that I would wish to relive, I’m grateful for the experiences, as they have contributed to a new outlook on living that I deem one of the most definitive characteristics I hold today.
“Healthy” is ill defined to concern only physical stature and specific characteristics of food. To most, it implies a slender appearance and limited diet. Healthy reaches out much further than this surface definition. I have learned that health is not wholly physical, but rather, a psychological state of mind. As cliché as it may sound, healthy is happy. Healthy is satisfaction and content with ones being, and acceptance of life with a positive mind. No matter how “clean” one eats, they must feel good about what they are doing, hold happy thoughts towards the decisions they make in their lives, and extend themselves out to the world with positivity in order to truly be healthy, both inside and out.
My new understanding of health has allowed me to successfully become a “Sweet Simple Vegan” and “live my health”. I realize that not all people are concerned with their health, and not all are in a situation that I was in where they crucially need to be, but health is an aspect of life that is too often overlooked. I have taken advantage of social media, and created a profile on Instagram and this website as “Sweet Simple Vegan”, to share my testimonial on a vegan diet, simple recipes to help promote a healthy lifestyle, and tips on how I remain positive and optimistic throughout my day to day life. My goal is to reach out to as many individuals as I can all over the world, and share my idea of health to hopefully influence a change for the better.
xx, Jasmine
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