Chocolate Protein Pudding- Guest Post by Laura Verbich

Chocolate Protein Pudding- Guest Post by Laura Verbich

My next guest blogger contributing to my Vegan Resources! Click here to see all of the contributors and read their stories!

Laura Verbich <3 I discovered Laura waaaay back when I first went vegan on my personal Instagram account @jgbriones. It was from her that I discovered smoothie bowls and the existence of vega protein powder (I was THAT new to all of this). Laura soon became a health coach and I have been following her amazing fitness journey as well as her teachings of self-love. She is truly doing what she was mean to do with her life, and I hope that you all will find inspiration from her as I do.

Without further or do, let’s meet Laura!

Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 4.55.43 PMHey lovelies! Thanks so much to my sweet friend Jasmine for featuring me on her blog <3 – I have been such a big fan of yours for so long, hehe, glad I could contribute to your followers & readers!!!

My name is Laura Verbich and I am a 25 year old passionate, loving & spiritual hippy vegan badass #girlboss! At least, that’s what I like to call myself 😉 I live in Montreal Canada and I’ve been vegan for nearly 5 years now. I went vegetarian 10 years ago, at 15, when I saw a video of a cow slaughterhouse. I was absolutely outraged and completely devastated by what I saw and I just couldn’t go on eating meat anymore. Being so young and from an Italian family, I wasn’t exposed to anything until I went looking for answers myself. I always wanted to go vegan, but wasn’t ready to give up cheese, my favourite food ever, just yet. At 19, I read “Skinny Bitch” and that changed everything for me. I just couldn’t look at any animal product the same anymore.  It was easy to change because every single reason I had to go vegan was ethical and completely for the animals and our planet Earth. I feel like the STRONGEST reasons lie within the heart – I always say, I am vegan all the way through my soul, not just in my stomach!

I am a health, wellness & lifestyle coach, I actually recently left my full-time job to pursue my passion! In my teen years, I had NO idea what I loved or what I wanted to do as a career. I dabbled in a lot of things; cosmetology (I was a makeup artist for awhile), photography and I even thought of studying creative writing! Nothing really “stuck”. Everything felt too “strict” and I always felt bound by rules & authority. I always felt like I needed to be my own boss – and to help others was my calling. Coaching allows me to follow my own schedule, live my OWN life by my design, I have been able to work my way up to nearly a 6-figure income AND help tons of women change their lives. It is rewarding to me to wake up every day knowing I am making a difference but also working toward a life I have always dreamed of!

I get lots of questions about how to: become healthy, become more positive, go vegan, love yourself and maintain a balanced lifestyle. I spent most of my teenage years and my early 20’s searching for answers outside myself… and I realized, I need to search WITHIN. And that’s what it is all about. A happy life isn’t found anywhere but within. We are all capable of amazing things. We are all made to be happy and to have abundance in everything; love, heath, money… everything. My biggest tip to transform your life is to start with the body.

Here’s a bullet point list of some tricks & tips I have!

1. SWEAT! Try new things, at a new gym, some classes, a DVD program. Get moving and get sweaty. Make it a challenge for yourself and find a buddy or a community to do it with. I help people in groups get fit – and those with a partner always achieve more. 

2. LEARN about the human body and read books about nutrition! Some of my faves are “The Thrive Diet” by Brendan Brazier, “Crazy Sexy Diet” by Kris Carr and “Angel Detox” by Doreen Virtue. Read and research – that is HUGE. The more you know. the more empowered you will be.

3. Find & follow inspirational HEALTHY vegan people on Instagram and Facebook. Admire their healthy bodies and lifestyle. STOP following those “fitness accounts”, fitness models and chronic figure competitors, if you are sensitive to that kind of thing. I know I am. Once I stopped doing that, I felt a lot more love toward my body.

4. Buy some good vegan cookbooks & follow vegan blogs for inspiration.

5. Start a health-based Instagram account! It’ll connect you with like-minded people and keep you accountable.

6. DETOX from negativity – stop watching bad TV or the news, phase out toxic relationships, give up negative self-talk.

7. Practice daily LOVE and affirmations. Take your negative feelings and turn them POSITIVE and say them daily. For example, “I am beautiful and everyone loves me” Repeat this every day, multiple times, in a mirror, if yo can!


9. Start journalling! Write down your feelings, your day, your ideas, doodles, sketches, inspirations. Keep it with you always and allow your imagination to run free. It is so FREEING to write!

10. LOVE YOURSELF. Nothing will be possible without this key ingredient. You must know that you are worthy of health and happiness. Every day, every moment you put into bettering yourself will bring you more happiness than anything else can. It’s not about weight loss, or looking good, or being ripped – it’s about being confident and healthy and HAPPY! 

Laura’s Shakeology Protein Pudding!

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Chocolate Protein Pudding!

  • Author:
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 5 mins
  • Yield: 1


  • 1 scoop chocolate vegan Shakeology or any vegan chocolate protein powder
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp raw cacao powder (optional)
  • 5 ice cubes


  1. Blenddddddddddd!
  2. Serve in a pretty way, topped with chopped banana, raw cacao nibs and possibly some raw almond butter or peanut butter if you’re feeling naughty!

Peace & love,

xo Laura Verbich


Instagram: @gorgeousssleep



Jasmine Briones
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