How To Start A (Food) Blog: All The Info You Need!

How To Start A (Food) Blog: All The Info You Need!

Hi everyone, happy Friday! I am coming to you with a post today to help address a question I am constantly asked, “How did you start your blog? Can you help me get started?”.

And the answer is yes, I can definitely help you!

How To Start A Blog Graphic
I am here to give you all that I know, and hopefully help you create a beautiful blog of your own.Β Starting a food blog can be intimidating, especially if you are not starting off with a background in this kind of thing (I definitely did not have one), but I promise you that there are only a few simple steps you need to take!

Here are my two cents, PLUSΒ info on everything that I am currently using on my blog.Β I hope this helps! <3

Identify yourself (and your niche)

  • The first thing you need to do is pinpoint what you will be blogging about: recipes, lifestyle tips, fitness, fashion, etc. Or just a simple personal blog! All up to you.
    • It took me a while to figure out my niche, and now (2016) is when I realize recognizedΒ what both I and my readers love from this blog. I now blog about simple & mostly Β oil- gluten- and refined sugar- free vegan recipes.
  • Think of a name for your blog– something that resembles who you are!
    • Make sure it is unique and one you won’t get sick of. This is your brand, you have to love it!
    • Cross check the name online to be sure that no one else has claimed it.
  • Obtain your domain– this is free when you host with Bluehost.
    • They also have a domain checker so that you can see if anyone else already your name.

Find a Website Host

I useΒ BluehostΒ and recommend it. The startup plan is only $3.95 a month, and is perfect for you, especially when starting out — free domain, email, term of your choosing and add-ons of choice πŸ™‚

Here’s how:

  1. Choose your plan–I used the “Plus”Β plan, butΒ I suggest you start whereΒ you feel comfortable. The starter isΒ the most affordable, soΒ I say to start small and work your way up if anything!
  2. Create your domain— choose wisely, this will be your branding! You can choose to purchase a domain or enter one your already own.
  3. Enter your account information.
  4. Select your package—Β BluehostΒ offers an “anytime money back guarantee”, so if you purchase a package but decide to cancel before it ends, they will refund you the difference.
    1. I started withΒ 12 months, and I suggest you do the same just to see where this takes you.
  5. Add ons— I suggest you use the Domain Privacy Protection, which is the only one I purchased.
    1. It is useful as itΒ preventsΒ private data from being displayed publicly.
  6. Billing info— self-explanatory πŸ™‚

If you’re still not too sure about this commitment, I suggest that you try a free webhostΒ likeΒ– a low to no cost option and is actually where I started atΒ 

Install WordPress

  • I use WordPress on Sweet Simple Vegan as it isΒ easy to manage +Β no messy codes.
  • It is aΒ free blogging software, easily installed throughΒ Bluehost.

Here’s how:

  • Log into yourΒ BluehostΒ account >> Select Hosting >> Select cPanel
  • Scroll down to Website Builders >> Select WordPress >> Select Install
  • Select your domain and check it, agree to terms, then boom, DONE.
  • You’ll have a username, password and login URL
    • *I suggest you bookmarkΒ your login URL on your computer for easier access.

Get Creative & Make It Pretty πŸ™‚

  • Choose a Theme!

Genesis Framework for WordPress

StudioPress Premium WordPress Themes: Foodie Pro Theme

  • You can find free themes on WordPress, or purchase themes through their site.
    • I purchased theΒ Foodie ProΒ theme by Shay Bocks.
  • Another option is toΒ hire a web designer, but I did not as they can get really pricey.

Social Media

  • Consider developing a social media to help support your account.
    • I started off on Instagram, and it is definitely one of the driving forces to this blog.
    • It is fun to show your readers an insight into your raw, daily life, and it is also another tool to keep everyone engaged, if you are not blogging everyday.
  • You can also use social media to make new friends, connections, sponsorships, etc.
  • People are more likely toΒ discover you in any of these outlets, and that is a great thing to consider. Get your name out there, it is worth it πŸ™‚
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • etc.
  • I would advise that you try andΒ create posts that are unique to each outlet, to give people an incentive to follow you on them all.


  • If you are starting a food blog, people first eat with their eyes! You definitely do not have to start with anything fancy, but high quality photos do make a difference.

WhatΒ I use:

Create A Logo

  • Your identifying symbol/image. It’s not too necessary in the beginning, but I definitely think it’s something to be looked into.
  • Head to my blog post here to read on how I developed my logo.
  • If you don’t want to head there, then I will share here that I used Little Guy Logos, and recommend them based on the result of my logo πŸ™‚

Be Consistent, and Create a Schedule

  • What days will you write, photograph, edit and publish? This will depend on your own personal schedule.
  • Creating a consistent weekly schedule will help you keep organized and sane!

Nutrition Facts

  • Nutrifox Nutrition Label Generator
  • If you are starting a food blog, the addition of nutrition facts will bring your recipes to the next level! It was always highly requested when I began blogging, but I did not know where to start. I discoveredΒ Nutrifox through the Food Blogger Pro podcastΒ and it was exactly what I was looking for.


  • Sign up with Google Analytics to track and assess your growth.
  • Invest in headshots, these will come in handy.
    • Don’t just take a simple photo, have fun in the process and make sure they are representativeΒ who you are, make them unique πŸ™‚
  • Don’t be afraid to seek inspiration and knowledge from others!
    • Collaborate with other bloggers!
    • Browse the internet, connect with others on social media, subscribe to other blogs, etc.
    • Play off ofΒ different ideas that may work well with your page, or to help you find/develop your ownΒ umph on your blog. The possibilities areΒ endless, but sometimes it takes a little spark of inspiration to get you going.

Have fun

  • Enjoy the process, and make sure that you are doing something thatΒ you truly love.
  • For a while, I made blogging a chore, a task that I had at the back of my head all day that IΒ had to do. I lost sight of why I started blogging to begin with, to share my passion for health and all things vegan! Once I regainedΒ light of that, I was able to rediscover my passion, and blog for the joy of it and nothing more <3

I hope that this post was of some use to you! Please leave a comment below if you have any suggestions, add-ons, or simply to let me know if and howΒ this post helped you! xo


Disclaimer:Β This is NOT a sponsored post, however, this page containsΒ affiliateΒ links, which simply means that I earn a commission if you purchase through those links, but your price remains the same. Thank you for supporting Sweet Simple Vegan!

Jasmine Briones
  • Amber
    Posted at 22:22h, 25 April Reply

    Hello Jasmine! Thanks for the post about how to start a blog! I’ve been thinking about doing one for sometime now. This info was really helpful to me! I’m about to graduate with a degree in health marketing and communications and health and wellness and I’m hoping that I can find a niche as you said to use my degree and my own personal health experiences to help motivate and inspire others! Thank you again!!!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 12:12h, 26 April Reply

      Hi Amber! That is great, congratulations πŸ™‚ I am so glad that I can be of assistance to you! Let me know if you ever need anything xo Jasmine

  • Dennis
    Posted at 14:52h, 27 April Reply

    Hi Jasmine, that’s a really cool post. Very helpful! I don’t know if you remember me? But about a month ago I was actually one of those people who asked for your advice on how to be a blogger πŸ™‚ Because I thought, and I still think, that your blog is absolutely great! And I really appreciate your tips. It gave me the confidence to start my own blog and I also learned to identify myself as a blogger. So, thanks again and I think this post is going to be of great help for all the people who want to start their own blogs.

    Cheers Dennis

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 09:49h, 29 April Reply

      Hi Dennis!

      Aw yay I’m glad to be hearing back from you πŸ™‚ I just checked out your page and it looks great! I really appreciate the feedback, and best of luck to you!

      xo Jasmine

  • Vikki
    Posted at 10:00h, 14 May Reply

    Your posts are really helpful. Thank you! I am attending MK in Maine this summer. Looking forward to it!

  • Blair
    Posted at 15:43h, 09 June Reply

    AH! Thank you soooo much! I have had a professional food blog for over a year now and was so confused as to how to take it to the next level, so I was going to spend a good bit of money doing that, but this helped me figure a good bit of it out myself, so thank you soooo much! Now I just need some techy friends to help me complete the switch over! thanks dear! πŸ™‚

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 18:45h, 11 June Reply

      Hi Blair!

      I am so happy to hear that my post could help you out, thank you so much for visiting, and best of luck to you!

  • Louisa Maljers
    Posted at 21:10h, 02 December Reply

    Hello, I am just starting put with my own website and I use Weebly to do it. I would agree that it isnt the best that I coukd use, but its a start????. Anyway I think that this article has helped me. The one problem I have right now is finding viewers. Can you give me any other tips on how to get my website noticed? Thank you!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 10:13h, 03 December Reply

      Hi Louisa! A key is social shares, through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other users pages. This has been key for me, and I guarantee it wil be for you too! πŸ™‚

  • Amy Katz
    Posted at 09:43h, 07 December Reply

    This post helped me a lot to start my blog a few months ago. You are such an inspiration!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 12:14h, 07 December Reply

      Aw yay that makes me so happy to hear! Thank you for sharing that πŸ™‚

  • Lina
    Posted at 12:37h, 26 April Reply

    Hi, this post helps a lot. I want to start a faith based nutrition blog. I was wondering, how do you make money on a blog and is it something I can make into a full time job and how. Also, love your youtube as well! πŸ™‚

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 06:39h, 21 June Reply

      Hi Lina! I am so happy that this post helps πŸ™‚ Unfortunately, I do not have an answer to that. There are so many different outlets (sponsored posts, monetization, youtube, social media), and I have not yet reached a point where I can make a sustainable income off of my blog, actually not even close! I make some money with monetization, and once I am certain on how I can guide others in doing so, I will share! In the meantime I am here to answer any questions you may have. <3

  • Maddy
    Posted at 13:50h, 17 October Reply

    Hi Jasmine! This post is very informative. However, I am wondering if I can buy a Bluehost package and install the free WordPress blog I already have? I spent a lot of time this summer working on my free WordPress blog, and I’d hate to have to start all over again. If you could clarify this process for me, I’d greatly appreciate it! πŸ™‚

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 14:14h, 19 October Reply

      Hi Maddy! I myself did not do that, but my friend Shannon did it for Chris if you need a referral! It is difficult to do and I am not well versed in it so I don’t know details :/ Let me know if you would like her info!

  • Lauren Samford
    Posted at 17:21h, 06 December Reply

    Hi Jasmine! Your blog is very inspirational to me! I recently started my own blog and I think I have a good idea if where I’m heading with it. My question to you is – at what point did you begin collaborating with brands and affiliate marketers? Did you wait until you had a substantial following before reaching out?

    Any guidance you can provide is much appreciated!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 14:53h, 28 December Reply

      Hi Lauren! It is never to early for collaboration, and it is always a great learning experience for you to start early + to help support business you love in the process. You can definitely reach out and see where it takes you πŸ™‚

  • Lauren
    Posted at 09:44h, 17 July Reply

    Hi, I just started my food blog on wordpress and found this article really helpful. I think it is time to invest in getting a logo next! thanks.

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