Blog Tour: The Writing Process

Blog Tour: The Writing Process

Today I will be sharing a post about, well, writing! I usually like to keep my blog posts and recipes sweet, simple, and down to the point, but occasionally a recipe also calls for the sharing of a story, or an update of my life! I share more about myself and daily life on my Instagram account, but I will definitely make more time to share more here as well.

A few weeks ago my friend Tammi aka GMO Free Girl invited me to be a part of this blog tour. It sounded like a fun activity and a great opportunity to begin sharing more about myself here on my website. GMO Free Girl is a vegan wife and stay-at-home mother of 3 children, living here in California just like me. She is passionate about organic living, and runs a beautiful eco-friendly blog with a focus on vegan plant-based recipes, food tips, and organic GMO-free living. She inspires me each day with her recipes and lifestyle posts, and has actually educated me on ideas relevant to GMOs and the environment. She has supported me since the start of my account on Instagram, and I really appreciate being able to connect with women like her over a shared passion for healthy living. So, without further or do, here is my share for the blog tour!

Jasmine Briones


I initially made the decision to accept this beautiful lifestyle on a whim. I was a freshman in college who had never once before been exposed to veganism, not even knowing what the term was defined to be. The ‘Vegan Corner’ in my cafeteria is what sparked my curiosity. I was studying to be a veterinarian at the time (my major has since changed), but I felt it to be ironic that I claimed to be concerned with the health and well being of animals, yet did not live an ethical lifestyle. I challenged myself to take on a vegan lifestyle for the 40 days of lent, but the 40 days ended up turning into something that would last a lifetime. I also, unfortunately, was struggling with a life threatening illness that influenced by decision to dedicate my life to health. My decision was initially skewed by the opinions of my friend and family at the time, but I did not give up on it, and with proper research and with the growth of my knowledge of a plant-based diet, along with my personal experiences, I learned that a plant-based diet is the only way that I would want to ever live. With that being said, I felt it was only necessary to share my experience, and inspire others to consider taking on this beautiful lifestyle. The only way I could have known about veganism and plant-based living was through social media and the internet. Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram was the very first person that taught me how easy and beautiful this lifestyle is. She is the reason why I now aspire to inspire! The vegan and vegetarian community on Instagram is so positive and filled with like minded people, and I am motivated each and everyday by those that I follow and by those that follow me to keep doing what I do and and stay motivated to reach my goal of making a positive difference in this world. My dream is to inspire individuals to take charge of their health. Nutrition is not an integral part of our current education system and I just dream that one day it will be taught in all elementary schools, and be realized just how important nutrition is to our not only our overall health but our happiness and well-being.


I am working on improving my blog (and blogging skills), and the production on an ebook! An ebook has been on my mind for a while, but I have no idea really as to how to launch one or what steps I need to take in order to reach success. I have been reading up a lot on the idea lately, and I hope to work on it this summer. The improvement of my blog will be ongoing. I am new to all of this and just getting started, and I see that this is all a learning process, which is totally fine! It is fun to learn new things in regards to writing, photography, and within my recipes each and every day, and I can’t wait to see where this blog will take me in my future.


I see the main difference to be the simplicity of my meals and the lifestyle I promote. Just as my name suggests, all of my recipes are S W E E T , S I M P L E and always V E G A N <3 Coming into this lifestyle could be overwhelming for a lot of people, and I understand exactly where they are coming from because I was in their shoes. Heck, I came into this lifestyle in a dorm room with nothing but a mini fridge and microwave. I want to show people that this is doable, and that any sort of adaptation that needs to be made should be seen in a positive light because whatever is necessary to improve your health should be a priority in your life. It will be uncomfortable, it will be scary, and it will be very unfamiliar to most, but that is okay! I use my work to simplify things in way to make a vegan and plant-based lifestyle more approachable and welcoming. I like to incorporate a low of raw foods into my meals, sticking to whole fresh ripe raw OR G A N I C fruits and vegetables whenever possible. I also not only include food recipes into my blogging and Instagram, but also lifestyle tips as well. I focus on not only diet, but an overall healthy L I F E S T Y L E. Remaining positive, active, open minded and loving yourself is an integral part of being healthy.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one.


Honestly, this I do not know! I am a novice blogger, and am still trying to get a feel of all of this. I definitely know that, and as I’ve said before, that I like to keep things sweet and simple. I am usually direct to the point in all of my recipes, but I also want to always include inspirational ideas, happenings and  experiences in my life that will allow my readers to get more of a feel of my lifestyle and hopefully incorporate some of these ideas into their own lives. For my recipes, I always start with one ingredient, and work from there. I get my ideas from what I see from other bloggers and Instagram-ers, but I also get ideas from my own life and childhood. I love going back to old dishes that I used to enjoy, and simplifying them while veganizing them all at once. I also take my audience/follower feedback. I see that they like and dislike certain types of posts, so I try to make my way towards what is more appealing to my following. Again, I am new to this, so I am still in the process of finding my niche!

Let’s keep the blog tour rolling! Who’s up next? 20140204-194611

The first is the babe Giovanna Tonzillo. If you are not following this girl, you must head to her blog and Instagram and give her a follow. Her confidence and example of self love inspires me each and everyday. She is such a sweet heart, and is a major fitness inspiration for me as well as 10,000+ other online!

I was born + (slightly) raised in San Francisco, California on July 6, 1993, making me 20 years old, moved to New Jersey, Hawthorne, and eventually ended up in Maui, Hawaii. It was here that I found myself. I realized I could do and be so much more than I had ever pushed myself to be. The sooner you change your LIFESTYLE, because that’s what it is — not a diet or a fad but a total commitment for life, the more natural it will come. I still struggle with it everyday, I’m human. But every time I make a healthy choice, I feel myself getting stronger, mentally and physically. What really kept me going, was thinking of the future. I really believe more people would make healthier decisions if it were more readily available and not so damn costly. I’m here (on this blog) for you, so I want less of my blabbing and more incite from you! I want to hear everyone’s journey whether you’re just getting started or you’re far passed me, what you want to see more of, what you want to see less of; anything! I want to be that person you’re not afraid to talk to. Keep pushing for your goals lovers!


Next is the beautiful Erika Frost aka Loveliveraw. Her daily photos on Instagram are always so vibrant and full of life! She is the perfect account to follow for more inspiration in getting started on a plant based diet. She also shares her delicious recipes on her blog, a great place to head to if you are in need of some rawspiration <3

I´m so glad that YOU are here. My name is Erika and I´m a sailing chef, a true foodie and a health nut. I´m a high raw vegan (about 80%) and my biggest passion in life is creating and playing with new recipes. I´ve been a rawfoodie since october -12 and have never felt better. The health benefits are just endless. So here I´m going to share my recipes, most raw all vegan, information about “how and why” and also our ongoing project “Open New Doors” – a Raw Food café and a design shop, focusing on organic and sustainable decor, which will open on our farm in June. I hope you will find some inspiration.

Be sure to have a look at both of these talented bloggers’ blogs, and look out for their articles next Monday, May 26th, on the next stop of the Blog Tour! Have an amazing day! Please leave your comments below wish your feedback, I would love to hear from you all!

Jasmine Briones
1 Comment
  • Tammi
    Posted at 01:49h, 21 May Reply

    Awesome post Jasmine! Thank you for the sweet introduction. I love following you on IG and I loved reading more about you. It’s so amazing how 40 days of something is all you need to change your habits. You have a wonderful blog and I especially am fond of the Foodie theme (of course). I agree though that I think there will be never ending changes to my blog as well. I don’t think it will ever be “right” but I’m just going to have to live with it I guess. Can’t wait for the next week of bloggers!

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