Raw Vegan Buttered Corn

Raw Vegan Buttered Corn

Raw Vegan Buttered CornI know this is not a recipe, but I wanted to share this for you all to try in place of butter. I don’t have to go into why butter is not the best for you, and why you should eliminate it from your diet, as I am sure you all have an idea of that. Even vegan butters, I’m sorry to break it to you! Yes they are a great alternatives to butter when you are transitioning into a cruelty-free, plant-based lifestyle, but I encourage you to ease away from it and to turn to WHOLE FRESH RIPE RAW ORGANIC FRUTS & VEGETABLES as your staple foods! <3

Try to incorporate more vegan foods into your diet. Whether it be adding 1 apple to your daily routine, that 1 apple is better than no apple, right? And eventually, as you adapt, you will be able to have 2, 3, 7 apples! There are so many recipes you can create with vegan foods, so don’t think you will be “eating grass all day”. You will discover so many delicious and SIMPLE recipes, plus you will feel and look better than ever before.

I watch Christine Salus’ videos on YouTube and she is such a great role model when coming into a plant-based diet. She has advice videos, workout videos, recipe videos and what I eat in a day videos, which I know everyone loves. In one of her what I eat in a day videos, she made this corn recipe. I, unfortunately, forgot what video it was, but I’m sure you all won’t mind going through her videos to find it because all of her videos provide useful information and insight in regards to adapting a vegan diet.
Raw Vegan Buttered CornSo how do you make this raw buttered corn? Well, you unwrap an ear of raw (non-GMO organic) corn and remove all the stringies that may be left behind, and slather it up with a half of an avocado. Add as much or as little as you want, and you’re good to go. I like to sometimes sprinkle spices on top, like chili powder, garlic powder, or a healthy green salt-substitute. If you don’t like raw corn, steam or grill it! It’s so good all three ways I have tried them all.

So go and try this out, NOW! You will love it 🙂

Jasmine Briones
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