The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut: The Coco Jack

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut: The Coco Jack

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Okay guys, so I know I post about The Coco Jack like cray cray on my Instagram, but I can’t help it. I seriously think that David is a genius and I would only overload you with something that I truly enjoy! I have gotten a lot of positive reviews on my account when posting of the tool, so it was only fitting that I shared it on my blog as well, to reach those who are not on Instagram and  stumble across this post.

My Video Demonstrations

How To Use The Coco Jack

Video tutorial can be seen here, or see my video demonstrations above.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young CoconutPlace The Coco Jack squarely in the middle of the coconut. Then, hit the front leaning edge of the Coco Jack with the Coco Mallet.

-Hold it firmly with your non hammering hand so the coconut doesn’t jump around.
-Just the outside edge, don’t hammer around or in a circle.
-When you’re hammering, let gravity do most of the work. There’s no need to use a lot of force.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

When the leading edge of The Coco Jack is deep into the coconut and you get the “dip” where the angle of The Coco Jack meets the coconut, you’re in.

The handle should be sticking up to the side.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Now pry it down.

Simply hold the coconut with one hand, and with the other hand, pull the handle down towards the floor.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Slide your hand up the handle, slide your thumb into the hole.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Lift up on The Coco Jack, the voila,  you are done!


You should be left with a perfectly opened coconut!

So what’s it going to be? A refreshing young thai coconut any time you want it, or a trip to the emergency room when you cut through your fingers? The Coco Jack will change your life, I promise!

The Day My Life Changed [Forever]

I also wanted to share the story of how I was introduced to The Coco Jack, back in February 2014.

It was love at first sight…that mallet…those cocos…ha kidding. I was introduced to The Coco Jack at The Raw Living Expo 2014. I won tickets from the expo giveaway, and I was able to spend 3 days amongst tons of raw food gurus, the pioneers you see all over youtube and Instagram, and amongst new and exciting products and tools, including The Coco Jack. I was initially drawn to it because of the noise. I was walking down the hall with my mom and we were intrigued by the clicking sound, curious to see what was going on. When we arrived at the booth (which was at the far end of the demo room), we saw the tools in action and couldn’t even take in what was happening. My mind was BLOWN. I struggled, and I mean STRUGGLED, to develop a technique with a clever at home to open a coconut. Let me just tell you that it wasn’t pretty, and there was always so much tension when doing so as my parents would freak the heck out every time.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Just ignore the photo bomber in the background. He clapped for me though, so let’s thank him for his {singular} round of applause! I do agree, I did a pretty good job my first try. In fact, I actually was able to do it no problem (to my surprise). It looks scary but after having talked over how the tool even works to begin with the Coco Jack Crew.The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young CoconutBtw, My tee says “Eat Raw Live Long”, isn’t it awesome?! I got it when visiting NYC last year and found it at One Lucky Duck inside of the Chelsea Market. I believe you can find them online as well.

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

Here’s a shot of my mine and my mom’s very first coco jack-opened coconuts!

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A young Cocont

Part of our Father’s Day festivities while we watched Ecuador play! I opened up fresh young thai coconuts with my Coco Jack for the whole family and it was the perfect afternoon treat!

The Easiest and Safest Way To Open A Young Coconut

And this past weekend at the LA Green Festival, I was able to be a part of the Coco Jack crew and represent the company! I am glad that my love for the product has stemmed into a positive relationship with The Coco Jack and flattered to have been given the opportunity to help them out. The Green Festival was an experience I’ll never forget. I was able to learn new things, try out new products, and even develop relationships with new friends. I’m transferring to a new university this coming fall and I met a guy who is transferring to the same one as well! I’m excited that I’m going in already knowing someone and he’s a foodie like me so I’m set.

The Coco Jack is currently only sold online and in shows (like those I have discussed above), but don’t let that discourage you. There are instructional videos on the website that will answer all of the questions you might have, and you can email me for any questions regarding my experience with the product and such.


xx Jasmine

Disclaimer: Please note that this post was not sponsored by The Coco Jack. All of the opinions shred above are my own, and true to what I believe. This page may contain affiliate links, which simply means that I earn a commission if you purchase through those links- thank you for supporting Sweet Simple Vegan! Visit my contact page if you have any questions.

Jasmine Briones
  • Joanne miller
    Posted at 17:18h, 06 March Reply

    Can this be used for other coconuts? I don’t no much about coconuts. I live in Florida, I’m guessing here in Florida are Palm coconuts??? They are so hard to get into, coco jacks open these the same

  • Mailoha
    Posted at 08:48h, 18 April Reply

    Where do you get your coconuts?

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