ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES // Coco Jack, SSV Merchandise & Vegan Recipe Ebook (CLOSED)

ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES // Coco Jack, SSV Merchandise & Vegan Recipe Ebook (CLOSED)

Giveaway #1 of my Anniversary Giveaway Series! ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES // Coco Jack, SSV Merchandise & Vegan Recipe Ebook


1. The Coco Jack Deluxe Coco Pack

1 Coco Jack
1 Coco Mallet
1 Coco Scoop Tool
1 Coco Noodler Tool
1 Coco Mat
2 Coco Sippers
1 Baby Brush
1 Coco Sack

One of my absolute favorite tools in my kitchen! It has saved me from cutting off all of my fingers (seriously) and has made enjoying fresh young thai coconuts a breeze. I have tutorials and a FULL review and how-to guide here on a previous post.

2. Any 1 SSV Merchandise item from my Shop!

Tee shirts, totes and fruity accessories, theres something for everyone! Check out my funny text designs and handmade headbands 🙂

3. Sweet Simple Vegan: Lunch & Dinner

22 easy gluten-free, salt-free and low fat vegan recipes to help you take charge of your health!

How To Enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES // Coco Jack, SSV Merchandise & Vegan Recipe Ebook


I am giving away 14 PRIZES in total to 7 READERS!!

Click the image below to be redirected towards the main giveaway post to read on what else I am giving away! Be sure to check back here at the start of each week (Mondays PST) in order to enter the next giveaway!

If you know anyone who would be perfect for this giveaway, or have something you feel would be perfect to share on my page, send me an email jasmine[at]! ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES // Coco Jack, SSV Merchandise & Vegan Recipe Ebook

Jasmine Briones
  • Shirley
    Posted at 10:28h, 06 October Reply

    I would love to win the cocojack because we have a lot of coconut trees on our property and always have trouble opening up the coconuts we get from our tree! 🙂

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:59h, 08 October Reply

      Ahhh! So jealous of you right now, that is my dream!

  • Teri Lamour
    Posted at 10:31h, 06 October Reply

    I have been following your blog for a while now and love it. 🙂

  • Stef
    Posted at 10:34h, 06 October Reply

    Why do I want the Coco Jack? There’s NO BETTER WAY to eat, drink and enjoy coconut! I’d loooove to win this giveaway 🙂

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:59h, 08 October Reply

      YES! I completely agree 🙂 Good luck xx

  • Caitlin
    Posted at 11:43h, 06 October Reply

    I LOVE coconut and have only ever had it fresh while honeymooning in Jamaica. It would be so awesome to be able to replicate the experience by popping open a fresh coconut at home.

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:59h, 08 October Reply

      I have never been to Jamaica, sounds like paradise! I hope you can take a little piece of that home, good luck! xx

  • Hannah
    Posted at 15:13h, 06 October Reply

    I’m a relative newbie to this eating healthily and have steered clear of fresh coconuts for not knowing what to do with them. Maybe with a Coco Jack I wouldn’t be so scared.

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:58h, 08 October Reply

      Yes! The coco jack is perfect for that, it makes opening coconuts one of my favorite things to do 🙂 Good luck!

  • Erica Price
    Posted at 16:23h, 06 October Reply

    I’d like to win the Coco Jack prize for my daughter and I, as we are newly vegan and think it’s awesome and would aid in our new lifestyle!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:57h, 08 October Reply

      Aw fun! It will be so fun for her to try it out as well, kids love this! 🙂 I’m glad to hear that you have gone vegan, nothing but health and good vibes being sent your way!

  • Rebecca B.
    Posted at 16:42h, 06 October Reply

    Wow, that looks so cool! I’ve never had fresh coconut before, but we completely ruined my brother’s machete trying to open one once haha!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:57h, 08 October Reply

      Haha don’t worry, my house lost a few knives from it as well. This thing will change that for good! Your brother will forgive you cause everyone loves this tool!

  • Becca F
    Posted at 19:40h, 06 October Reply

    I would love the Coco Jack, the only thing that keeps me from buying coconuts has been the intimidation and safety concerns since I’m really clumsy!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:56h, 08 October Reply

      Aw yes this makes it so much easier! You can have coconuts everyday <3

  • Karin Shaim
    Posted at 04:10h, 07 October Reply

    I would love to win the Coco Jack because I love coconuts and it’d be easier to open them with the equipment <3

  • Jessica
    Posted at 08:26h, 07 October Reply

    Thank you for all of your posts! I look forward to your Instagram and email notifications! I would love to try the Coco Jack, nothing is better than fresh!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:55h, 08 October Reply

      Thank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot! Yes, fresh coconut water is so tasty!

  • Stephanie
    Posted at 09:02h, 07 October Reply

    I love the tees and I can definitely use those recipes to keep me on track. I’m already winning in my head. Lol

  • Marsha A
    Posted at 10:12h, 07 October Reply

    Happy Blog Anniversary to you!!! This is a great giveaway and very unique!

  • Christian
    Posted at 14:07h, 07 October Reply

    I would love (and need) the Coco Jack to open all of my delicious coconuts without chopping my fingers/hand off (which has almost happened….a few times… hehe) The product looks incredible and I would LOVE to try that beast out 😉

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:54h, 08 October Reply

      Lol seriously! I used to use a cleaver and i was always so scared to open coconuts. This is definitely a beast tool, it will make you feel like one when using it too 😉

  • Damaris
    Posted at 15:37h, 07 October Reply

    I would love to win because I love eating healthy. I would benefit so much from these products. Also, I rarely win.

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 19:53h, 08 October Reply

      Aw well let’s hope that changes this time! 😉

  • nadya kotik
    Posted at 03:28h, 08 October Reply

    I would love to try a coconut

  • Simona
    Posted at 10:19h, 08 October Reply

    I would love it because I love kitchen gadgets and this one would make enjoying coconuts so much easier!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 16:41h, 08 October Reply

      Good luck! I hope this can get added to your kitchen gadget collection 🙂

  • Kristina
    Posted at 14:52h, 08 October Reply

    coconut water is literally my favorite drink, I would love a coco jack to make it easier.

  • April
    Posted at 15:04h, 08 October Reply

    I’d really love an opportunity to have something more to connect me to the vegan community. This would help quite a bit 🙂

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 16:40h, 08 October Reply

      aw yay! Community is definitely so important and I have learned that the vegan community is filled with such loving people, who all usually love coconut water, too! 🙂

  • Erica Elliott
    Posted at 15:10h, 08 October Reply

    I would love to win the Coco Jack to easily and safely open fresh coconuts for me and my daughter!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 16:40h, 08 October Reply

      Aw yay Your daughter can try it out too 🙂 I have seen little kids open coconut with it they love it!

  • Mausmi
    Posted at 15:45h, 08 October Reply

    I absolutely love coconut water and would put the COCO Jack to great use.

  • Karla
    Posted at 16:00h, 08 October Reply

    I would love this item for my kitchen. I grew up drinking coconut water straight out of a coconut on the ocean of Veracruz, Mexico. It would totally remind me of our family trips and bring back childhood memories.

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 16:19h, 08 October Reply

      That sound amazing! I wish I enjoyed coconut when I was younger as you did, sounds like paradise 🙂

  • chanelle
    Posted at 16:48h, 08 October Reply

    Ooh-la-la! I’d absolutely love to win a Coco Jack set! I currently use a standard kitchen knife to crack open coconuts… not an easy task, I must say *sigh*

    • chanelle
      Posted at 16:50h, 08 October Reply

      P.s. Jasmine, thank you for sharing all your wonderful recipes! You are so creative 🙂

  • Nina
    Posted at 03:10h, 09 October Reply

    Hi! I would love to win, im a vegan and my son just recently became one too. I Think he would love this one just as much as i will! 🙂 He loves coconut water and we need to get more healthy. I just love your site and instagram 😉 Thank you!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 17:09h, 10 October Reply

      Thank you for your complements 🙂 Goodluck on this <3

  • Denielle S.
    Posted at 08:43h, 10 October Reply

    Hey! Love your site! I would love the Coco Jack so that my husband and I can enjoy fresh, young, revitalizing coconut juice in a safe and efficient manner! It would be perfect for combating this FL weather! 🙂

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 17:08h, 10 October Reply

      Thank you! I’ve never been to Florida, it’s somewhere I hope to visit. Goodluck! 🙂

  • Priscilla
    Posted at 10:24h, 11 October Reply

    Amazing giveaway!! Thank you!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 13:43h, 12 October Reply

      You’re welcome! Thank you for joining 🙂

  • cristi andreea
    Posted at 07:39h, 12 October Reply

    Beacuse i love your blog

  • EVA
    Posted at 09:43h, 12 October Reply

    I’m a starving GF/Vegan college student who ALWAYS wants to experiment with fresh coconut, but my wallet doesn’t want to experiment with products that might go awry. At least with the Coco Jack tools, I know my money spent on coconut experiments will not go to waste as these look fool-proof!

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 13:41h, 12 October Reply

      YES! What’s awesome is that they provide a life long guarantee, and will exchange any tool that may break, which is not likely at all. Good luck xx

  • Beatriz
    Posted at 13:08h, 12 October Reply

    Hello Jasmine, I recently found your instagram and ever since Ive truly enjoyed seeing your photos on my feed. You are truly inspirational person and your recipes are simple and amazing. By the way these giveway is super awesome i didn’t know there were special tools to open a thai coconut I simply throw the coconut from my staircase and hope it opens correctly haha but it never does so I just buy the water from my market.

    • Jasmine Briones
      Posted at 13:41h, 12 October Reply

      Beatriz, that is so sweet of you! I am truly blessed to be able to help people through my account, and I am always happy to hear such positive feedback.

      OK WHAT?! You throw it down your stairs?! Lol that is just nonsense! You need this Coco Jack in your life FOR SURE. It will save you money and from the mess that makes! Good luck on this giveaway <3

  • Marsha A
    Posted at 10:49h, 14 October Reply

    Pinch me! Happy Anniversary and thank you so much for your generosity! Best day ever!

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