
Low Fat Raw Vegan Zucchini Pizza Crust (hclf, nut- and gluten-free)


Toppins of choice, such as:



  1. Using a spiralizer, create noodles with 2 zucchini. (I used the thick noodle blade)*
  2. Roughly chop and blend together the sun dried and fresh tomatoes, remaining zucchini, dates, chia seeds and water until smooth. Add in the remaining ingredients and pulse until combined.
  3. In a large bowl, mix together the sauce from the blender with the zucchini noodles. Place onto a lined dehydrator tray about 1/” thick. Make sure it is uniform all throughout. (You can make 1 large crust (what I did) or two small crusts.)*
  4. Dehydrator at 115 for about 12 hours, or until the top is fully dry. Flip and dry for 2-3 more hours, or until fully dry.
  5. Remove the crust from the dehydrator, and cool for 10 minutes.


  1. Add toppings and sauce of your choice.
  2. I used:
  3. Optional: Dehydrate with toppings for another 2-4 hours before serving.


If you do not have a spiralizer, you can also use a Julienne peeler.
I use this dehydrator. It is affordable and compact. In order to make the pizza, I lined the bottom piece with parchment paper.
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