
{My Imperfect} Healthy Coconut ‘Candy Corn’



  1. Mix the first three ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes a crumbly dough.
  2. Transfer into a ziploc and smush around into a smooth ball. Remove from the bag and separate into three parts. Add some turmeric to one third, and carrot juice into another. Massage each, one at a time, until uniform, adding as much as needed. Make sure to do one color at a time and wash your hands in between handling to prevent mixing.
  3. If the coconut butter starts to become to liquidy, set in fridge for 2-4 minutes to set for handling.
  4. Roll balls into skinny strips—the skinnier the strips, the smaller the candy corn. Press together side by side. Set back in the fridge to stiffen if needed. Cut into triangles (see photo).
  5. Store in the refrigerator as these melt easily.


Adapted from an original recipe from: Chocolate Covered Katie

The original recipe uses cashew butter, which melts less easily, and is easier to work with. The only downfall with that is the color will be more beige than white.

These are only meant to mimic candy corn in appearance. They don’t taste like them, but they are delicious in their own way!