Author: Jasmine Briones

How To Segment A Grapefruit + Video sweetsimplevegan.comWhy Segment a Grapefruit?

What a lot of people don't know is that grapefruit is not sour! Well, naturally it is a bit tart, but it is not supposed to be unenjoyable sour. It is only this way because of the rind -- which should be removed through segmentation. It seemed daunting to me at first, but it was actually incredibly easy and fast! The segmentation process is actually why I wasn't consuming grapefruit for a long while, but now I am hooked on these Texas Red's! I had learned how to do it when I attended Matthew Kenney Culinary, but the chef that had demonstrated it during the class overcomplicated things. What I hope to deliver to you today is an easy and approachable segmentation method that will allow you to enjoy grapefruit more often, especially right now as it is at it's peak!

My Favorite Grapefruit Variety

I have tried both Texas Red is hands down my favorite variety. I actually have a grapefruit tree in my garden but ironically enough, it is the white variety :/ Texas Reds are slightly sweeter than the white because of  their growing location (soil and temperature) and are what I recommend!

Seasonality & Availability

Texas Red grapefruit are in season Jan-Mar, so NOW is the time to get your hands on some. If you're in the US they actually have these Texas Reds from Winter Sweetz at Wal Mart through April:)

Vegan Miso Eggplant Sushi {easy, oil-free} The idea for this dish sparked after I had created my Eggplant & Tofu Stir Fry {Hclf Oil & Gluten-Free} from my Healthy Vegan Holiday Menu For Two {Gluten & Oil-Free} last December. When I was making the dish for my family one night, I snacked on nori sheets while waiting for it to finish. When I went to sample the dish to check if it was done, BOOM, the idea hit me. I realized the flavor of the sauce would be perfect with the nori. I tried it out, and NEEDED to do something about this. Vegan Miso Eggplant Sushi {easy, oil-free} sweetsimplevegan.comAlthough I could have just reproduced the sauce from the previous recipe, miso was an ingredient I needed to use up in my fridge, and what better way to utilize it. I tweaked the sauce, cooked up some eggplant in it, and ohh myyyy you guys, I can’t wait for you to try it!

GTMSuperLaunch.LA.BOS.DCBlacklight Yoga, Live DJ + Kombucha Cocktails!? Basically the ultimate yoga experience, YES PLEASE. This weekend I was lucky enough to be a part of the Grip The Mat's bi-coastal launch event experience and I wanted to share it here with all of you because it was so unique and uplifting, and available not only in Los Angeles, but also in Washington D.C. and Boston! If any of you have ever been to a GTM event, commment below and let me know how it was for you ;)


SOUP-er Bowl SUNDAE, get it, get it? Conscious Chris and I thought of this clever menu idea and put work in the kitchen the other day to deliver to you two new awesome recipes to make your game day menu a winner!Vegan French Onion Soup -- For a savory starter, Chris put together a Vegan French Onion Soup

Vegan Neapolitan Waffle Sundaes {raw, oil-free} -- 3 Ingredient Waffles! sweetsimplevegan.comHealthy neapolitan waffle sundaes that is vegan, gluten-free AND oil-free?! I know I know, you already knew that from the title, but I just had to repeat it to myself. Prior to going vegan or having any sort of exposure to this lifestyle, I would have never that could be done! Have you ever photographed ice cream? OH MY GOD is what I have to say to that. I plated these Waffle Sundaes and felt like everything was suddenly PANIC mode. I had to do all that I could to beat the melt of the ice cream, luckily I had Chris with me to help to shoot these photos and some for our roundup. I think that we did a good job in the tight time, I am very happy with the photos <3 But most importantly, I was pleased by the outcome of this recipe! I appears indulgent but is made from nothing but healthy ingredients, oil-free, and allll vegan of course. The variation of textures and flavors created such a well rounded dish. I can't wait to make these again for a Vegan Super Bowl Sunday...or as we called it, Souper Bowl Sundae  ;)