Author: Jasmine Briones

Date-Sweetened Turmeric Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies {gluten, oil and refined sugar-free}Creamy, chocolatey, melt-in-your-mouth goodness that is oil- gluten- & refined-sugar free...can I get a what what? I had tahini leftover from my Curried Tahini & Potato Dip that I made last week, but I wasn't in the mood for another savory recipe. So naturally what do you do when you have leftover nut or seed butter? Well COOKIES, of course ;) [embed][/embed] I created a recipe video for these cookies, and I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think <3

Like everyone else is probably saying in their end of the year posts, where did this year go? I still remember what I was doing at this time last year, and now I am prepping this blog post for you guys and getting ready for a cozy night in with my family in Big Bear, CA :) Today I am going to round up the top 10 2016 favorites that you and I enjoyed this year + bits of what was happening in my life during those recipes :) It's funny how looking back at food photos for me is just as nostalgic as any other photo, I can remember my life at that time. I am excited for all of the fun and exciting recipes to come in 2017, I have a lot in store for you! Dill & Chive Bean Dip Or Spread {Oil-Free, Low-Fat}

Vegan Gingerbread Loaf w/ Sweet Potato Vanilla Frosting {gluten, oil & refined sugar-free, low-fat} Happy Holidays, I hope you're having a great December wherever you are :)

I am here today to share with you a recipe that is perfect to enjoy in front of the fire with a cup of hot cocoa or almond milk, and this cold weather makes me love this bread with it's warming spices even more.

THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS HERE :) Regardless of which holiday you celebrate, this Vegan Braided Cream Cheese & Jam Danish + the Mint Chocolate Chip Cake and Almond & Cinnamon Marshmallow Treats shared below are all calling for a spot at your table ???? I'm so excited to have been able to collaborate once again with Ahnest Veggie and Yvonne's Vegan Kitchen to bring you all 3 must try vegan recipes for your holiday table! We delivered some awesome recipes for Thanksgiving, and I promise you these are nothing less! A vegan danish, come on, you should already be sold on that!

Chai Spiced Hot Cocoa Mix In A Jar - DIY Vegan Holiday Gift There's nothing like a warm cup of hot cocoa on a cold December day in front of the Christmas Tree :) Growing up, my family often gathered around the tree at night and my mom would make us a big pot of hot cocoa to share, so it is definitely a must have tradition for us every year. This year I thought it would be fun to make a homemade mix to gift to my family + you all as well. Instead of bringing you an average vegan hot cocoa mix, I'm going to share with you a chai spiced one!