
Barley Grass & Orange Juice This morning I woke up energized and awake, in a way that I have not been in a long while. This passed weekend for me was one of revitalization and rejuvenation. I took time for myself, to connect with my thoughts, emotions, body, and inner being. Too often do I forget that my health is all encompassing of every aspect in my life, not just my physical well-being. Remembering this fact, and becoming more aware of it, has allowed for me to definitely live my life in an improved way, filled with greater appreciation and awareness.

Easy Vegan Superfood Hot Chocolate Okay so it's not exactly hot chocolate weather here in Los Angeles (it is currently 80F and sunny), but I know a lot of my readers are from colder areas, props to you all I don't know if I could survive! When I was living with my grandmother growing up, on New Year's Eve, she made my family her famous cinnamon hot chocolate. She would melt a big chunk of Mexican Chocolate with whole milk, cinnamon sticks and piloncillo. Man, was it tasty. But also, sooo not good for us. On New Year's Eve, my mom and I thought it would be fun to create a new, healthy and vegan hot chocolate recipe for the years to come. What I came up with was this superfood hot chocolate, a recipe that is definitely here to stay. 3Easy Vegan Cinnamon Hot Chocolate