26 Sep Caramel Apple Oatmeal Power Balls (gf)

I'm excited to share that my recipe was featured on Protein Pow for The 2014 Protein Wizard Competition! Unfortunately, I did not win the competition, but hey, that's not what's important. I was happy that I was able to share a delicious G L U...
Excited to share that my recipe was featured on Protein Pow for The 2014 Protein Wizard Competition! Unfortunately, I did not win the competition, but hey, that's not what's important. I was happy that I was able to share a delicious G L U T E N - F R E...
Come y bebe is something that my grandma used to make for my brother and I all the time as kids, and it is a dish that my dad always asks me to make because it brings back memories of his childhood in Ecuador. Come...
A large portion of my diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables come in all the colors of the rainbow, and these colors actually reflect the presence of the different phytonutrients in each of them. Phytonutrients are naturally occurring chemicals that shield plants from...