In order to pack for our camping trip, Chris and I scoured the internet for a checklist and the most credible one we came across was from
REI, which the below was created from :)
Check out the other two posts part of this series recap of our camping trip:
My number one tip: before purchasing anything, try to borrow your supplies!
I'm sure you have friends or family that are outdoor adventurers (or at least thought they were at some point) that have supplies that they can loan you. You may think you don't, but I encourage you to ask around first, because you never know what you will discover! We borrowed almost all of our supplies, from my brother & his girlfriend + my parents, and this saved us a ton of money, stress, and time!
Below is a list of everything that we packed on our trip! I am not saying that you need to bring all of this, or that you won't need anything else, but I want to give you a good idea/base for your trip as a vegan camper :)