31 Mar Healthy 3 Ingredient Date & Almond Chocolates for a Vegan Easter

My parents named me Emily von Euw, and I have been hanging around this planet for about 20 years plus a few months. I reside in Vancouver, Canada with my family, friends, lover and approximately 1 million other people I don't know personally.
I adore being alive. I also adore avocados. I've always defined myself as a critical thinker, and part of being a critical thinker is hyper-analyzing everything that surrounds me (which, in this modernist world, is quite a lot). Being in my brain is overwhelming much of the time but I have learned to manage being me by treating myself with respect (this includes meditating regularly, getting outdoors whenever possible, and feeding my body and mind whole, nourishing, organic foods). I think while we are here for these some odd 80 years most of us get on average, we should make those happy years. Ultimately, who really know if anything matters? So let's just have a good time while we can, and not tell other people how to live their lives.
I like to dance, laugh, eat, drink, eat some more, always learn, always try to improve myself, do anything that gives me a natural dopamine rush (all of the things just mentioned, plus sex, exercise, hiking, cuddling other animals, and looking into the eyes of people I love). I study history at university (getting my bachelors now, plan on getting my masters later) and I am also a full-time food blogger! What the heck does that mean? Well, it means I spend a lot of time making raw vegan recipes, taking food porn pictures of them, then sharing it all on the world wide web.