Dips Spreads and Sauces

Vegan Avocado Yogurt Ranch Dressing {oil-free} sweetsimplevegan.comEvery time someone tells me that they have a hard time eating salads, I always tell them that what they are in need of is good a dressing. Not just any dressing, but one that is still healthy and free of any added oils. Why ruin a perfectly healthy salad with a fatty and unhealthy dressing? Before going vegan and eating healthy in general, I was used to eating my salads doused with ranch dressing. Well, I decided to make a healthier vegan version of ranch dressing, and this is what was born :) I was also inspired by my friend Ashley Clark and her raw vegan ranch dressing that I was fortunate enough to try at a potluck last summer. For more dressing ideas, check out a few of my other creations: Vegan Avocado Yogurt Ranch Dressing {oil-free} sweetsimplevegan.com

This past Christmas season, a few friends and I put together a Vegan Holiday Potluck here in LA and gathered the community together for an afternoon of good food, friends, and of course, dogs :) I wanted to bring a healthy oil-free option to the potluck, and this is what I came up with. Chris and I went to the Hollywood Farmer's Market and came home with among other things, 2 fresh sourdough baguettes + dill & chives, two ingredients we use often on our avocado toasts for breakfast, in salads, and now in our newfound favorite, bean dips! We went to Whole Foods following the farmer's market to pick up grains and legumes for his One-Pot Chili Spiced Lentils & Rice recipe that he was putting together for the potluck, and when we were browsing the aisle of the market, I was inspired by the array of beans and legumes to make a dip/spread for the baguettes we had purchased.

chickpeas3 copyQuick, flavorful and easy, what more could you want? I must say that I am biased to anything with roasted red peppers in it, especially when made fresh, but trust me when I say that this hummus is the real deal, and just so happens to be good for ya.Oil free Roasted Red Pepper HummusLast Wednesday was my last day of my short summer vacation, and what better way to spend it than laying lazy in bed all day and vegging out before all of that stress that was to come with school. I am now in my very last year at my university, and come June of next year, I will be graduated with a degree in Nutritional Science, woot woot, FINALLY!

How To Roast Red Peppers! {Oil-free}Last week, when I decided to make a homemade oil-free roasted red pepper hummus, I realized that I could easily roast my own red peppers at home for the recipe in under 30 minutes! Not only did I avoid the extra salt and preservatives they are often packaged with, but I also made available a new ingredient in my kitchen that I can use for so many future recipes. Not only were these peppers awesome for the hummus (coming soon, btw!), but they also could be used in soups, sauces, sandwiches, wraps, diced into a grain dish or salad, added atop a pizza or simply tossed with herbs and spices for a delicious side dish!

Easy Balsamic Hemp Dressing57A beautiful farm to table summer salad for you all to brighten your day, actually dayS, since I know you are not only going to make this just once ;) I visited the farmers market and picked up the goodies you see in this salad and created a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. Easy Balsamic Hemp Dressing33Even if you do not have any of the other ingredients, all you need is this dressing, it is definitely the star of the show.