I visited the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market and shot a short video of what I got and spent, so I decided to share it here with you all in case you're not already following me on YouTube (check it out for more!). One of the most frequently asked questions I get in comments and emails is that regarding saving money or living on a budget as a high carb and/or high raw vegan. Good news! I have some very helpful information, especially to those of you who live in Los Angeles, or near it :) Check out this blog post for FAQs, advice, examples, photos + more!wholesale haulDate: October 2, 2015 Total: $76

jackfruithowtographicJackfruit is definitely an intimidating fruit! It's appearance is jurassic, as I have heard it described, and it is the largest born tree fruit in the world. Did you know that they are capable of reaching 100 pounds? Oh what I would do for 100 pounds of jackfruit :) But have no fear, Sweet Simple Vegan is here to help you cut through your very first jackfruit at home!Jackfruit17

12SSV GardenToday I am sharing with you a highly requested post on composting & my organic home garden. I hope that you find this useful and that it helps you start or improve your own garden!

What is compost?

Compost is defined as organic material that can be added to soil to help your plants grow. The material is decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment and is a key ingredient in organic farming. The resulting fertile soil also has far greater moisture retention, allowing you to use less water in your garden.

What are the benefits compost?

  • Reduces the amount of waste that we dispose of >> especially if you eat a high raw or even just vegan diet. I have A LOT, and I mean A LOT, of scraps daily from my fruit meals, and practically fill up my CompoKeeper (info and discount below) every other day, and sometimes everyday.
  • Enriches the soil and therefore reduces the need for chemical fertilizers (no thanks, miracle grow). helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.
  • Encourages the production and growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi
    • These break down organic matter to create humus {the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms. It significantly influences the bulk density of soil and contributes to moisture and nutrient retention}.
  • Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint (as does veganism ;) Please check out Cowspiracy!).
  • Surprise plants in your garden! >> From compost, my mother has grown a mango tree, avocado tree, papaya tree, fig trees (yes, two of them!), pumpkin, acorn squash, tomatoes, herbs, and peppers. What I mean from surprise is that from simply composting the scraps of herbs, fruits and vegetables, new plants have emerged without us intending to do so. The trees are still very small, but we plan on planting them in our backyard and that of friends and family to hopefully have large fruitful trees in the future :)
[caption id="attachment_7987" align="alignnone" width="720"]1SSV Garden Butternut squash that grew from compost![/caption]

Spirulina Bentonite Clay MaskAfter going vegan 3 years ago, not only have I now grown aware of the foods I am putting into my body, but my awareness has evolved to see that I also must be concerned with what I put onto my body as well. When I first went vegan, or "vegan" if I should put it, I was only vegan in terms of the food I was orally ingesting. I did not clear out my closet of non vegan products and I did not consider that my beauty and hygeine products, including makeup, shampoo, and face masks, could definitely not be vegan. In fact, about half of what I owned did not have the "this product was not tested on animals" assurance.

You all are always interested in natural, organic, and of course vegan products that I use, so I decided to round up my current favorite skin care products. There are even a lot of raw vegan and DIY options in the lists below! skincare 2Below are only products I have tried, as well as my daily routine at the end. Others that you may may be just as good, but I have used these all with success, and will be sticking to them because I am satisfied :) As usual, I would only recommend products that I have tried and loved! + I will also update this list with new items if I find more I enjoy <3 Share below if you have any recommendations! I hope this helps xo You all may have your own preferences, but I just advise that you try your best to purchase 100% vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic, non-synthetic and organic products.

Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf)This recipe is pho-nomenal. It is so pho-king delicious, you will love it, pho-sho. It's not only easy and pho-bulous, but it is also good pho-you, and you will be pho-ever grateful for this recipe. Okay sorry, I had to get all of that off of my chest. But really, you're going to love this! Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf) I'll be honest and say that prior to going vegan, I had traditional beef pho only once in my life. I know, I was shocked at myself since LA is filled with a plethora of pho restaurants. So, in order to truly know if this recipe was worthy of sharing on my website, I invited my friend Andy over to help me. He is vietnamese, and enjoys traditional beef pho weekly (I know, sad face), but I thought well maybe I could also inspire him to try making this with his family. And with the result of this recipe, I'm pretty sure I did just that.