
Easy Vegan Meals For Your Busy Week {Oil-Free Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner} sweetsimplevegan.comWhat's up, how are you doing today? :) I feel like I don't ask you that as often as I should, especially since I always tell you how I am feeling, and am about to again right now... As a full time nutritional science student & blogger, let's just say that my weeks get pretty insane. I'm actually sitting here at a coffee shop in Hollywood, waiting for class to start. Doesn't sound so hectic, but let me explain: I volunteer for a food service course I am taking, at 8:00am certain days of the week, and Chris was nice enough to drive me out to the site, pick me up after my shift, then head to a coffee shop to blog and burn time before class, then take me to class. I would drive myself, but parking is impossible on my campus in the afternoons! It doesn't make sense for me to go home and then back out to class because I am already out in this direction for volunteering, so mornings are kind of a burden! I am off to class until 4:30pm :/ Aaaalright, enough of the pity party, but I kind of just wanted to get the frustration of my morning off of my chest.... So as you can see, I am constantly on the go, and because of this always looking for easy, healthy & oil-free recipes to get me through the school week, and to keep me from getting bored of the usual rice, potatoes and oats. Don't get me wrong, starch is where it's at and I enjoying all of these foods, but when I eat these constantly, I run out of ideas for recipes and different seasonings, and I just do not feel like thinking of new ways to enjoy them because I don't even have time to think about school, blogging, life, ah!! I turned to the Finding Vegan Bloggers Facebook group and decided to submit a request for Easy Vegan Meals For Your Busy Week {Oil-Free Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}, and not only keep them bookmarked for myself, but share them here are well so you all can make use of these. If you have any other recipes or ideas for me to add, feel free to comment below and let me know!


This past weekend, Chris and I had a food adventure and visited eLOVate in Santa Monica followed by the Spontanea Pop Up Dinner in Santa Ana hosted by Hannah McNeelyBriana Maxson and Evan Oliver. These three ladies put together a vegan 5-6 course pop-up dinner each month (different every time) in order to bring together the community, share their love for plant-based foods & super delicious food that non-vegans are attracted to. The 5-6 course Spontanea pop-up dinner is only $40/person, which also includes a complimentary glass of wine or {non alcoholic} kombucha; additional glasses are available for purchase :) This month's theme was Childhood Classics Redone - Vegan!

eLOVate Kitchen 1705 Ocean Ave, Ste 111 Santa Monica, CA 90401 | website This past weekend was filled with so much fun! Food adventures, the making of new friends, recipe development (oil-free fruit & nut bread to be exact), and a visit to The Gentle Barn, all in light of spreading the light and love of this beautiful plant-based movement. This lifestyle has not only allowed for me to choose health, save the animals and environment, but it has also allowed for me to broaden my perspective on life, connect with a new community (a family, actually) and create new and lasting memories and experiences that have helped me grow to be who I am now, as well as who I am meant to be.   
  Visiting eLOVate was more for me than just a simple visit to a vegan restaurant. Chef Roberto's book Vegan Cooking For Carnivores was actually the very first vegan cookbook I owned, a gift from my parents when I went vegan and one of our very first introductions to and inspirations for the vegan lifestyle. My mom was really into Ellen back then and found him on her show. To be able to meet him and try his food firsthand filled my heart with gratitude; to be doing what I do and supporting Roberto after he indirectly supported me warmed my heart. I love being a part of such a positive community, and supporting establishments just like eLOVate to aid in the exponentially growth of this beautiful plant-based movement ????❤️ Roberto was kind enough to put together an oil-free meal for Chris and I, and I must say, OOHHH MY, it was so good! Bomb food, a comforting environment, and a kind & accommodating staff, I felt like I was right at home.

January2015ProduceI am going to try and share my upcoming visits to the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in case you're not already following me on YouTube (check it out for more!). One of the most frequently asked questions I get in comments and emails is that regarding saving money or living on a budget as a high carb and/or high raw vegan. Good news! I have some very helpful information, especially to those of you who live in Los Angeles, or near it :) Check out this blog post for FAQs, advice, examples, photos + more! This haul was different than any previous haul, and also a special one, as it was the first trip I have taken to the wholesale market with my boyfriend Chris :) We both decided that this year we are both going to focus on eating whole foods and keeping things simple & cheap.

This year was our first Christmas together, spent here in Los Angeles. Chris moved here a few months back in October, and what an experience it has been having him here. The connection we have made in such a short amount of time is one is something I have never experienced before, we resonate on so many different levels and I am so happy to have him here by my side to help me grow as both a person and a blogger <3 I was nervous for this holiday as I wanted my gifts for him to be perfect, and I think I nailed it...I hope :p I tried to get him a little something for every aspect of his life, and I think that these gifts would also be great for any of you looking to get your loved one a little somethin' as well :)christmas ssv

In October if this year, Chris and I decided to drop all of our excuses, and commit to integrating a yoga practice into our daily lives. We decided to go for an unlimited pass at our local yoga studio, to motivate ourselves to consistently attend, in hopes that we would not only allow for an invigorating workout, but also a chance for us to step away from our daily lives and bring calm and stillness to our minds. Yoga to me used to just be yet another workout class I would attend to get my heart rate up and break a sweat, when I did not feel up to the intense weight lifting courses I would take at the gym. Nowadays, however, as cliche that it may sound to some, yoga to me has been at outlet of relaxation, realization of inner joy, a personal connection with my mind, body, and spirit, and a new outlet and level of connection with my boyfriend Chris. Although I have been attending yoga courses for a few years now, I have not, until now, ever followed a consistent schedule, or integrated it into my daily life as I have done so now. For the first time in my life, I was able to actually silence my mind from all thoughts outside of the studio, a focus on the present moment, the inner strength I hold in my body and mind, and all all-peaceful state of meditation.