
12 Days of Giveaways // SweetSimpleVegan.comWho's ready for an EPIC GIVEAWAY!

The holiday season is all about giving back to those that you love, so it is of course necessary for me to include YOU in this season of giving. I love being able to give back to the constant love and support given to me! My partner in crime, Chris ( @consciouschris), and I paired up and partnered with 15 brands that we love to bring you 12 Days of Giveaways this holiday season!


Our 100% Vegan Thanksgiving Feast! This year I was lucky enough to have my boyfriend Chris by my side, not only to join me in the kitchen, but to also help me stay grounded and grateful this holiday season. He always brings such positive energy into our time spent together, and somehow is always able to create a stress-free environment, which is exactly what I needed preparing for this day. We spent pretty much all of Wednesday and Thursday prepping what you see below, and what a whirlwind it was! In a good way, of course ;) Chris and I vlogged our two days together as well, check out the video below! [embed][/embed] Below I have share all of the recipes* for you to enjoy not only on Thanksgiving, but with your loved ones year round. Remember to celebrate what IS, and not to focus on what IS NOT. Love yourself and choose health, always <3

Although there are a lot of brands and products included in this post, I want to ensure you all that this post is not sponsored, and all of the opinions shared are my own. It has taken me quite a while to round up these products, I am constantly coming across new vegan, natural, minimal ingredient brands to try out, and more often than not I am finding myself loving each one! I decided that I would list the ingredients on this post as well. I know that it may get a bit wordy, but it is always convenient to have all of the information archived into one in order for you to assess them alongside one another :) *Truly Organic ingredients will be up soon!

The Easiest Way to Open & Clean A Pumpkin: The Coco Jack!Soooo this happened.The Coco Jack crew figured out that  you can easily open up a pumpkin AND scoop out the pulp with The Coco Jack and scoop! When I tried it out, I had it all done in about 2-3 minutes, and it saved me a lot of mess. My family and I have a huge pumpkin carving party every year at my home, and the last few years I have dreaded carving because of the very task of cleaning the dang pumpkins! My hands turn orange, it gets all up in my nails, and all over my clothes no matter how hard I try to avoid it. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but regardless, it is a challenge for me. This is going to be perfect for pumpkin carving party this year, and it also inspired me to prepare more recipes with fresh pumpkin!

You can use the code "sweetsimple" for a discount at checkout ❤️

Here is a short clip of me opening the coconut, and also a fun video The Coco Jack put together with a few different ways to utilize this method!


I am going to try and share my upcoming visits to the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in case you're not already following me on YouTube (check it out for more!). One of the most frequently asked questions I get in comments and emails is that regarding saving money or living on a budget as a high carb and/or high raw vegan. Good news! I have some very helpful information, especially to those of you who live in Los Angeles, or near it :) Check out this blog post for FAQs, advice, examples, photos + more!WholesaleOct 16Date: October 16, 2015 Total: $79