Our Story
Hi friends, welcome to our blog! My name is Jasmine, and my partner Chris and I run Sweet Simple Vegan. Our blog started in 2013 as a hobby blog, but has since then transformed into a platform for us to share our passion, and hopefully inspire others to choose to live more consciously for themselves, the animals and our planet.
We definitely understand that going vegan is tough, as breaking a lifelong habit of something as intrinsic as diet can be troubling, but we are here to help. Everyone has to start somewhere, and whether it be going fully vegan overnight, or slowly transitioning by giving up specific foods or veganizing certain meals of your day, you can do this! We are focused on making any positive impact that we can on the lives of others, to help make changes to better their health and wellbeing longterm.
In 2015, Chris and I met at a Field Roast party (lol), and we bonded over our shared passion for veganism and blogging. At the time, he was still living in New Jersey, so we connected online and eventually reunited at a vegan blogger conference in Austin that year. We hit it off after that, and when we parted we didn’t really know what the future held for us being so far apart from one another. Later that year, Chris decided to take a leap and moved to Los Angeles. We then realized that it only made sense for us to join forces on Sweet Simple Vegan, and our site has grown to be what it is today because of it. We love being able to share both of our voices, perspectives, and recipes on our blog, and connect with you all both individually and collectively as Sweet Simple Vegan.