I know that it may be difficult for some to eat raw kale in a salad as it naturally has a slightly bitter flavor, but a great way to serve it if that is the case is to roast it first! Not only does it add a new layer of texture to this salad, it brings out a whole new flavor in the kale.
I made this recipe in collaboration with
PlantPure Communities, a nonprofit organization that was formed partly as an outgrowth of the 2015 hit movie PlantPure Nation directed by Nelson Campbell. In order to celebrate Earth Day, they have created a 30 day challenge to eat leafy greens every day of the month of April called #30daysofgreen.
Part of their work is to raise awareness about nutrition research, much of which was led by Nelson’s father, Dr. T. Colin Campbell in the book The China Study, and they strive to promote the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience. Their social media challenge will provide everything from recipes and nutritional information to cooking tips and health advice–all relating back to the importance of daily greens!