banana Tag

Apple Pie Ice Cream (raw, low-fat)Creamy, sweet soft-servey goodness mm mm mmm! I love living a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle and being able to finally eat in abundance. I eat as much as I care for until I am full and satisfied, and never feel regret after. For breakfast this morning, I decided I would go with Ice Cream. Besides regular mono meals, banana ice cream is my go-tobreakfast. It is so versatile, and extremely easy to make! Just throw frozen bananas into a food process (my preferred method) or a high speed blender with a touch of liquid (if needed) and pairings of choice. Process it until it is light and airy, like soft-serve, then dig right in!

Raw Vegan Fruit Beer Ice Cream Floats! Root Beer and Coca Cola ice cream floats were where it was at when growing up. I used to attend a day care program after school and we had ice cream floats almost every Friday. I used to think it was the best thing ever...until I had this. Having had learned of the {horrible} effects soda could have on our bodies, I vowed to never again have one. But, when they are served around me, I can't lie...I do tend to miss the floats quite a bit! Especially because I start to reminisce on my childhood. So in order to fullfill these cravings, what is there to do? What there always is to do in cases like this, veganize it. That term has been frequent for the past 3 years of my life, and forever will be. I love being able to veganize old favorites of mine. Not only do I have fun experimenting in the kitchen, but I love sharing my recipes with my family in hopes of bringing them one step closer to considering a plant-based diet. Without further or do, I present to you my RAW and VEGAN Fruit Beer Float xx

Raw Chocolate & Coconut Vanilla Ice CreamI can never get over how creamy and dreamy banana 'nice' cream is. Its seriously so much better than any of that Dreyer's I used to eat (rock hard sometimes) as a kid. I love to use this dish to encourage people to consider veganism, or simply increasing the amount of plant-foods into their diet. Banana nice cream has never been a miss in my kitchen, and I encourage you to try it for this reason! Make it for yourself or make it for you to share with a loved one (you'll have to make 2 servings....maybe three..don't say I didn't warn you). There are two main reasons why I am told a high raw, or even a vegan diet in general, does not work for everyone. I am here to tell you why I think that these reasons are not valid, and are often just misunderstandings and misjudgments.