cinnamon Tag

My favorite item at Sunday brunch growing up -- french toast! Not only does this recipe no longer require eggs, it does not have to be fried, either. Want to know my secret to the PERFECT low fat vegan french toast? BANANAS! This past weekend, Chris and I took an impromptu trip to Big Bear, CA to spend the Fourth of July weekend with my family and enjoy the festivities held at the lake. My mom surprised us with homemade bread on Saturday morning and Chris had a brilliant idea -- let's make french toast!

Durian alone is out of this world and satisfying, but with chocolate, oh my god this took it to a whole new level. Chocolate Durian Caramel Cups 18 Durian isn't commonly enjoyed in my home here in California, as it is quite expensive, and is a hit or miss for me since they are all sold frozen. But, however, when my mom comes home from the asian market and surprises me with a pack of frozen monthong durian...all for myself...I'm going to faceplant into it ;)

Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf)This recipe is pho-nomenal. It is so pho-king delicious, you will love it, pho-sho. It's not only easy and pho-bulous, but it is also good pho-you, and you will be pho-ever grateful for this recipe. Okay sorry, I had to get all of that off of my chest. But really, you're going to love this! Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf) I'll be honest and say that prior to going vegan, I had traditional beef pho only once in my life. I know, I was shocked at myself since LA is filled with a plethora of pho restaurants. So, in order to truly know if this recipe was worthy of sharing on my website, I invited my friend Andy over to help me. He is vietnamese, and enjoys traditional beef pho weekly (I know, sad face), but I thought well maybe I could also inspire him to try making this with his family. And with the result of this recipe, I'm pretty sure I did just that.

Cinnamon Maple Delicata Squash Salad w: Vegan Jackfruit 'Bacon' This recipe stemmed from my attempt to create a recipe to use for the big game coming up here in the U.S., aka the Super Bowl. I asked my dad what he would want to eat at our family get together, and he said bacon. Well, you know what my initial reaction was to that...yuck! So I compromised. I told him that I would use homemade coconut bacon instead. I began googling recipes for a bacon marinade, and got to it. I took out all of my ingredients and then...I realized I had no coconut meat :,(