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Eggplant & Tofu Stir Fry {hclf oil & gluten-free} sweetsimplevegan.comI always love myself a gooood gingery stir fry, and this one hits the spot. I put together this recipe 2 days ago, and I have already made it twice since then. Not only is it a simple recipe, but it keeps well for a few days and when served with rice, is a substantial and nutrient dense meal. Always be sure to use organic & non-GMO tofu, and for this recipe, opt for extra firm to avoid crumbling. This recipe is a part of my Healthy Oil-Free Vegan Christmas Menu from my 2015 dinner with my boyfriend Chris. We worked together in the kitchen to put together a few dishes to share with you all here on our blogs, to give you some inspiration and ideas for easy recipes you can try out during your next {holiday} gathering or dinner party.

Raw Chocolate & Coconut Vanilla Ice CreamI can never get over how creamy and dreamy banana 'nice' cream is. Its seriously so much better than any of that Dreyer's I used to eat (rock hard sometimes) as a kid. I love to use this dish to encourage people to consider veganism, or simply increasing the amount of plant-foods into their diet. Banana nice cream has never been a miss in my kitchen, and I encourage you to try it for this reason! Make it for yourself or make it for you to share with a loved one (you'll have to make 2 servings....maybe three..don't say I didn't warn you). There are two main reasons why I am told a high raw, or even a vegan diet in general, does not work for everyone. I am here to tell you why I think that these reasons are not valid, and are often just misunderstandings and misjudgments.