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Crispy Oil-Free Noochy Potatoes {hclf vegan} sweetsimplevegan.com #vegan #oilfree #hclfRoasted potatoes have grown to be a staple on menus I put together for our holiday dinners or gatherings here at my house. Why? Well, there are various reasons! Potatoes, even when organic from my local Whole Foods market, are cheap! They are simple to cook, absolutely delicious, and healthy without any needed oils or fats added. Mastering the craft of crispy oil-free potatoes was a challenge for me, but after playing around with a few techniques, and trying out various recipes I had found online, I done did it ;) And my oil-free crispy potatoes are perfection. This recipe is a part of my Healthy Oil-Free Vegan Christmas Menu from my 2015 dinner with my boyfriend Chris. We worked together in the kitchen to put together a few dishes to share with you all here on our blogs, to give you some inspiration and ideas for easy recipes you can try out during your next {holiday} gathering or dinner party.

Juice Pulp Granola60I love making fresh juice, but the question that always comes up is what the heck do I do with the juice pulp? I have cooked the (vegetable) pulp into soups, added it into cookies and crackers, and (when lazy) simply composted the pulp,  but I wanted to try and create something new! As I had posted a few weeks ago, my cousin and I went on a juicing spree for her and her family during the week, and I ended up saving all of the pulp from the three juices we made. My Favorite Sweet Berry Juice had pulp that contained 100% fruit, so I decided to play around with that and create something sweet, hence this recipe.Juice Pulp Granola84

Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf)This recipe is pho-nomenal. It is so pho-king delicious, you will love it, pho-sho. It's not only easy and pho-bulous, but it is also good pho-you, and you will be pho-ever grateful for this recipe. Okay sorry, I had to get all of that off of my chest. But really, you're going to love this! Vegan Zucchini Noodle Pho w/ Homemade Broth (hclf, gf) I'll be honest and say that prior to going vegan, I had traditional beef pho only once in my life. I know, I was shocked at myself since LA is filled with a plethora of pho restaurants. So, in order to truly know if this recipe was worthy of sharing on my website, I invited my friend Andy over to help me. He is vietnamese, and enjoys traditional beef pho weekly (I know, sad face), but I thought well maybe I could also inspire him to try making this with his family. And with the result of this recipe, I'm pretty sure I did just that.

Apple Pie Ice Cream (raw, low-fat)Creamy, sweet soft-servey goodness mm mm mmm! I love living a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle and being able to finally eat in abundance. I eat as much as I care for until I am full and satisfied, and never feel regret after. For breakfast this morning, I decided I would go with Ice Cream. Besides regular mono meals, banana ice cream is my go-tobreakfast. It is so versatile, and extremely easy to make! Just throw frozen bananas into a food process (my preferred method) or a high speed blender with a touch of liquid (if needed) and pairings of choice. Process it until it is light and airy, like soft-serve, then dig right in!