This recipe is pho-nomenal. It is so pho-king delicious, you will love it, pho-sho. It's not only easy and pho-bulous, but it is also good pho-you, and you will be pho-ever grateful for this recipe.
Okay sorry, I had to get all of that off of my chest. But really, you're going to love this!

I'll be honest and say that prior to going vegan,
I had traditional beef pho only once in my life. I know, I was shocked at myself since LA is filled with a plethora of pho restaurants. So, in order to truly know if this recipe was worthy of sharing on my website, I invited my friend Andy over to help me. He is vietnamese, and enjoys traditional beef pho weekly (I know, sad face), but I thought well maybe I could also inspire him to try making this with his family. And with the result of this recipe, I'm pretty sure I did just that.