low fat Tag

Eggplant & Tofu Stir Fry {hclf oil & gluten-free} sweetsimplevegan.comI always love myself a gooood gingery stir fry, and this one hits the spot. I put together this recipe 2 days ago, and I have already made it twice since then. Not only is it a simple recipe, but it keeps well for a few days and when served with rice, is a substantial and nutrient dense meal. Always be sure to use organic & non-GMO tofu, and for this recipe, opt for extra firm to avoid crumbling. This recipe is a part of my Healthy Oil-Free Vegan Christmas Menu from my 2015 dinner with my boyfriend Chris. We worked together in the kitchen to put together a few dishes to share with you all here on our blogs, to give you some inspiration and ideas for easy recipes you can try out during your next {holiday} gathering or dinner party.

After Chris had moved to LA in October, we had discussed making homemade veggie burgers for our blogs, all thanks to an at home dinner we had with Hillary Eats Well Hemp & Greens Burgers we had found at our local Whole Foods Market. This burger tastes like Stove Top Stuffing to me, something that I grew up eating, and recently created a vegan substitute for! I loved the herb and spice mixture of the patty, but what I did not enjoy was the amount of oil in the ingredients. I was determined to create an oil-free version of these with my own personal touch, and that is exactly what I did. Plus, #Novemburger is in full effect, so celebrate with a fun veggie burger recipe...or two, a bonus one is featured below ;) Chris and I aren't sure if that is even a thing, but with this, we will make it happen!

RawSpaghetti62This meal brings me back to the weekly spaghetti dinners I used to have with my family, every Wednesday night when I would return from school. What my mom used to serve was a veggie packed marinara, noodles and a super toasty homemade garlic bread for that added crunch to complement the dish. I did my best to try and recreate that home-y feel but in a healthier, {raw} vegan way, and I think I nailed it. This dish is hearty, filling, and packed with more flavor than even I expected. You can, of course, serve this over cooked vegan noodles as well, but I decided to keep it all raw :) I use this spiralizer if any of you are interested!

Protein Chocolate Chips61I threw together a random recipe for breakfast, and it was too good for me not to blog about. So what did I do? I made it again for lunch so that I could share it with all of you ;) This recipe only requires a few ingredients, and is actually good for you, as opposed to the dairy, fat-filled, cruelty-filled ice cream at the supermarket. I listed this recipe as a dessert, but it is high carb, low fat, and mostly raw, so I say eat this whenever the heck you want. Really, do it!