low fat Tag

Vegan Red Velvet & Berry Love Pies56Love is in the air, Happy Valentine's Day! In honor of this holiday, I made a special pink and red treat for you all: Vegan Berry Pie w/ Red Velvet Crust. This recipe is low in fat, nut-free, no-bake, raw, and easy peasy orange squeezy to put together. Feel free to decorate your love pies however you (or your love) would like, but above are ideas on how you could serve these. Details on how I decorated these can be found down below. Vegan Red Velvet & Berry Love Pies53This stuff is my jam! Haha but really, this jam is perfect for a pie filling, and is also a great addition to have in your kitchen. With the leftovers from this recipe, you can use it on toast, over banana ice cream, atop oatmeal, or even better, paired with peanut butter and bananas. It's made of 4 ingredients--

Are you all ready for the super bowl? I know I am. And why is that? Well, it's because I am making this dip. It's low-fat, high carb- oil-free, and easy to make! It's filled with a plethora of vegatables (and even fruit!) that will allow you to not only enjoy the big game celebration, but also a nutrient-dense snack or meal.Layered Dip4503Layered Dip4472Unique, flavorful and nutrient dense layers, coming right at ya!

Organic-Dried-Fruit-Compote-e1418354881392-739x1024 After Thanksgiving, I realized that I had a lot of leftover dried fruit and I had to figure out what to do with it! Well, after getting my hands on a copy of the book Veganish: The Omnivores Guide To Plant-Based Cooking, I found a recipe! I read and reviewed this book on a previous post, which you can find here <3 I definitely recommend this book to those that are transitioning into a plant-based diet. It covers basic topics of transitioning as well as specifics in cooking techniques that will help you improve your skills in the kitchen as well. Dried Fruit Compote & Giveaway

Apple Pie Ice Cream (raw, low-fat)Creamy, sweet soft-servey goodness mm mm mmm! I love living a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle and being able to finally eat in abundance. I eat as much as I care for until I am full and satisfied, and never feel regret after. For breakfast this morning, I decided I would go with Ice Cream. Besides regular mono meals, banana ice cream is my go-tobreakfast. It is so versatile, and extremely easy to make! Just throw frozen bananas into a food process (my preferred method) or a high speed blender with a touch of liquid (if needed) and pairings of choice. Process it until it is light and airy, like soft-serve, then dig right in!