low fat Tag

Thick Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Smoothie (gf, low-fat )Mmmm, I've been going a little pumpkin crazy lately but I'm loving every moment of it. I've been making my fat-free Vegan Pumpkin Pie Soft Serve quite a lot lately, so I decided one morning that I would spice things up and add in a chocolate kick. This Thick Chocolate Pumpkin Smoothie recipe is sweet and simple idea that I know you all are going to love! thick chocolate pumpkin smoothie

1Raw Spicy Tomato Jalapeño Salad (Oil- & Salt-free)I have been slacking on my greens lately, not going to lie! School has started, and adding this on top of my internship has caused me to have long days, away from the beloved kitchen. It has been lots of bananas, dates and dried figs for me, as these are most convenient for both calories and transportation. I finally had some time yesterday after work to whip up a salad, and this is what I came up with. 31Raw Spicy Tomato Jalapeño Salad (Oil- & Salt-free)The star of this salad is the Tomato Jalapeño vinaigrette I used! It is raw, vegan, oil-free and salt-free! I sweetened it with a medjool date, used water instead of oil, and made sure I used a Raw & Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

Healthy Carrot Cake Bites (raw, low fat, gf) A healthy and delicious raw vegan carrot cake that is low in fat, gluten-free, and filled with nothing but the good stuff. Yes, you can have your cake AND eat it too AND feel amazing afterwords. You don't have to worry about any more of that  "detoxing" nonsense after a long birthday weekend. A Healthy Vegan 21st Birthday Celebration: Apple Rose Caramel Tart (Raw) For my birthday this year, I made two low fat raw vegan desserts for my family and I to enjoy. The first was my Apple Rose Caramel Tart (above) and the second was these Carrot Cake Bites. You can read more about my birthday on my last post, including all of delicious meals I had, the cute vegan presents I received, and the amazing all fruit cake my aunt made me.

Apple Rose Caramel Tart (Raw)Raw. Vegan. Apple. Caramel. Tart. Are you ready for this? Fresh baked apple tart with warming spices and a big ol' dallop of vanilla ice cream...I know you know what I am talking about....and I know you know you loved it growing up. My mom used to make the absolute best apple tart. We had an apple peeler and corer (and still do) that would core, peel and thinly slice the apple at the same time. When I was younger I thought it was the best tool to ever have been invented in mankind. Anyways...back to the story of this apple tart.

Raw Chocolate & Coconut Vanilla Ice CreamI can never get over how creamy and dreamy banana 'nice' cream is. Its seriously so much better than any of that Dreyer's I used to eat (rock hard sometimes) as a kid. I love to use this dish to encourage people to consider veganism, or simply increasing the amount of plant-foods into their diet. Banana nice cream has never been a miss in my kitchen, and I encourage you to try it for this reason! Make it for yourself or make it for you to share with a loved one (you'll have to make 2 servings....maybe three..don't say I didn't warn you). There are two main reasons why I am told a high raw, or even a vegan diet in general, does not work for everyone. I am here to tell you why I think that these reasons are not valid, and are often just misunderstandings and misjudgments.