Dare I say this is the BEST vegan creamed corn? I have reason to make such a statement, I couldn't believe how good this turned out.
There are a TON of vegan creamed corn recipes online that use coconut milk, and that always threw me off. What I wanted out of this creamed corn recipe was a replication of the one my mother used to make, that was unfortunately ladened with animal products {milk, heavy cream and butter}. What I have been trying to do over the last few years is veganize as many of my mothers traditional recipes that I can, and creamed corn has been a big challenge for me. I assumed that the coconut would compromise the flavor, so I never gave it a shot. I also I didn't know if it would live up to the same appeal of the other to my family. After being unsatisfied with other non-dairy milk alternatives (I have tried soy and almond), it was my last shot, and I hoped for the best.