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It's that time of year again-- The Super Bowl is just a few days away and all that you are expecting to see that day are greasy, fried and unhealthy foods. Let's try to change that this year, and actually have you feeling good during and after the party!35 Vegan Super Bowl Recipes -- Healthy & Oil-Free! sweetsimplevegan.com I know I know, healthy is boring, right? WRONG, I promise :) I rounded up the best of the best, mouthwatering, flavor packed and guilt-free recipes that would be perfect for you to bring to a party and impress a crowd. AND not only are these recipes vegan, they are also oil-free and made mostly of whole food ingredients, woot woot!

Below I have shared with you celebration and/or present ideas either for your birthday or for that of a loved on in your life. I hope I inspire you in any which way I can to consider this lifestyle and to choose H E A L T H everyday. A Healthy Vegan 21st Birthday Celebration: Raw Apple 'Oatmeal' and Banana Nice CreamI started my birthday with a beautiful bowl of {raw} fig newton apple cinnamon 'oatmeal' with cinnamon vanilla nice cream + a few gifts I received in the mail. It was just like eating dessert for breakfast, but completely guilt-free! All you have to do is pulse apples, figs, dates and spices in a food processor until a desired consistency is reached, then top it with banana ice cream spiced up with cinnamon and vanilla extract.