vegan Tag

Hi my name is Sarah Ahn and am the girl behind Ahnestveggie blog! I'm here to use my creativity and love for food to showcase how amazing and beautiful living a plant-based, vegan diet can be. Being vegan doesn't have to be either boring or flavorless.

Sarah Ahn / Butternut Squash Quesadillas + Caramelized OnionsAs a Korean-American, I grew up eating meat (Korean BBQ for days) and all sorts of seafood, seasoning, and dairy. Back in 2008 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (inflammatory disease in my colon) where I lost over 20 lbs. I had excruciating burning pains in my stomach/intestine and food did not digest and went straight through my system. Although stress was the main trigger for this sickness, my diet affected it as well. Per doctor's orders, I had to cut most spicy foods, greasy fried foods, processed foods and eat more raw fruits and green vegetables. This was extremely difficult as my diet consisted of diet coke, fast foods, alcohol, eggs, cheese, pork, steak, etc.

After a few months, my symptoms seemed to have worsened and I was hospitalized for a blood transfusion and left myself, friends and family in shock and fear. I knew I had to do something quick about my health. It was not until 2012 that I started to really focus on what I was putting into my body. I started cooking more, was aware of what ingredients were going into my food, focused incorporating vegetables and cutting red meat out of my diet. I decided then to try a full vegetarian diet to help cope with the pain and it seemed to have worked. I was a vegetarian for about 2 years since then.


Sweet Simple Vegan Giveaway! Ends 10/28/14


MY HUGE 1 YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY!!   Live Love Pop: 3 large bags, one of each flavor! A healthy popcorn snack  with benefits! Low calorie, heart smart, gluten free, and it's chock full of healthy nutrients.  Simple, clean, and ridiculously good! Giveaway Series!! Beaming: Individual packs of Superfood Protein Powders An organic company that thrives both online at and in its retail location in Del Mar California. Beaming’s mission is to inspire and empower people of all ages to experience greater health, happiness and vitality through the power of nutritious plant-based foods that taste amazing.

1Raw Spicy Tomato Jalapeño Salad (Oil- & Salt-free)I have been slacking on my greens lately, not going to lie! School has started, and adding this on top of my internship has caused me to have long days, away from the beloved kitchen. It has been lots of bananas, dates and dried figs for me, as these are most convenient for both calories and transportation. I finally had some time yesterday after work to whip up a salad, and this is what I came up with. 31Raw Spicy Tomato Jalapeño Salad (Oil- & Salt-free)The star of this salad is the Tomato Jalapeño vinaigrette I used! It is raw, vegan, oil-free and salt-free! I sweetened it with a medjool date, used water instead of oil, and made sure I used a Raw & Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

Raw Mango Ice Cream + Homemade Pineapple Flowers4 At the start of summer, my family from Ecuador came to visit and we had an outdoor barbecue to celebrate their arrival. Catching up, sharing all kinds of crazy and hilarious stories and just enjoying the company of one another, I always appreciate those nights. We made grilled vegetable salads that were the and I also made dessert, this Raw Vegan Mango Ice Cream with Oat Crumble + Homemade Pineapple Flowers. This dessert was inspired by my weekend at Matthew Kenney Culinary, where I learned how to make the absolute best raw vegan vanilla ice cream and oat crumble that I've ever had. After making it at home a few times, and tweaking the ingredients a bit since I didn't have them all and don't use agave, my mom suggested I take this vanilla ice cream recipe and use it to try and recreate her famous Mango Ice Cream that my family loves.

Homemade Pineapple Flowers

Raw Mango Ice Cream + Homemade Pineapple Flowers