Author: Jasmine Briones

As some of you may have seen on my Instagram and Twitter accounts, I attended this year's Natural Products Expo West, which is the world's largest natural, organic and healthy products event! I went through my photos from the event, and I ended up taking around 200, WHAT?! I definitely could not post them all here, so I decided I would share with you all some of the highlights of the event, and products that stood out to me most. Since we looked at thousands of products throughout the 3 days, I narrowed it down to quite a few, but I promise you I made this worth the read! I categorized everything as best I could, so head to whichever you are most interested in <3 (There is no particular order for everything that is listed). Natural Product Expo West 2015Of course I had to rock my Green Juice Tote at the expo, SSV represent ;) I made sure I packed fruits for the weekend, and they really helped since I was on the go. The expo had a lot of sweets and snacks throughout, but nothing that I would want to make a meal out of. The one things I suggest to you all is to be prepared! You never know how your day is going to play out, and is better to be safe than sorry.

_MG_2191I can't believe that it is April already, time is flying by this year! First off, I want to share that I had reached my 3 year veganniversary at the start of the Lenten Season! Well, there is a long story behind it all, but I first went vegan in 2012 for Lent, as a "diet" that I was going part ways with that Easter, but fortunately, did not. I was in and out of veganism for a bit at the start as I had only gone into it for weight loss, and it was hard for me to give up my old ways of living and to realize the beauty of this lifestyle. After a bit of "trial and error", I am now I am happy to say that I am vegan and never intend to live any other way. I am now a more compassionate, healthy, and inspired woman, and I thank veganism and all that has come along with it on this journey for helping me figure out who I was meant to become. back to these chocolates, cause I know you all want some!

Vegan Sweet Potato Brownies72As promised, I am finally sharing my recipe for my high carb, low fat, refined sugar and gluten-free Vegan Sweet Potato Brownies. Two chocolate recipes in one week? I must really love you're welcome. IMG_4102 The first time I made this recipe was in January 2015, the day I did a photo shoot with an old high school friend of mine at Arlington Garden in Pasadena, CA. She shot my new headshots, merchandise photos, and photos of me 'in-action'. You can see the photos here.

Durian alone is out of this world and satisfying, but with chocolate, oh my god this took it to a whole new level. Chocolate Durian Caramel Cups 18 Durian isn't commonly enjoyed in my home here in California, as it is quite expensive, and is a hit or miss for me since they are all sold frozen. But, however, when my mom comes home from the asian market and surprises me with a pack of frozen monthong durian...all for myself...I'm going to faceplant into it ;)

You all are always interested in natural, organic, and of course vegan products that I use, so I decided to round up my current favorite skin care products. There are even a lot of raw vegan and DIY options in the lists below! skincare 2Below are only products I have tried, as well as my daily routine at the end. Others that you may may be just as good, but I have used these all with success, and will be sticking to them because I am satisfied :) As usual, I would only recommend products that I have tried and loved! + I will also update this list with new items if I find more I enjoy <3 Share below if you have any recommendations! I hope this helps xo You all may have your own preferences, but I just advise that you try your best to purchase 100% vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic, non-synthetic and organic products.