Author: Jasmine Briones

Chinese Orange Cauliflower (hclf, raw option) I remember how much I used to love Chinese Orange Chicken when I was a kid, and how often my family and I would dine at Panda Inn and Panda Express growing up in Los Angeles. Oh how I DO NOT miss those days. It's hard to believe how unhealthy and careless my lifestyle used to be, and how much it has changed over the years. I am grateful that I have cleared my mind, discovered a healthier lifestyle with alternatives to old favorites such as this low-fat Chinese Orange Cauliflower recipe. I think it's safe to say that I am obsessed with this. I told my family I had to make it 3 times to "recipe test" it, but honestly I just wanted to have this 3 times last week and still wanted to make it again. SO GOOD. 1Chinese Orange Cauliflower (hclf, raw option)

Organic-Dried-Fruit-Compote-e1418354881392-739x1024 After Thanksgiving, I realized that I had a lot of leftover dried fruit and I had to figure out what to do with it! Well, after getting my hands on a copy of the book Veganish: The Omnivores Guide To Plant-Based Cooking, I found a recipe! I read and reviewed this book on a previous post, which you can find here <3 I definitely recommend this book to those that are transitioning into a plant-based diet. It covers basic topics of transitioning as well as specifics in cooking techniques that will help you improve your skills in the kitchen as well. Dried Fruit Compote & Giveaway

Apple Pie Ice Cream (raw, low-fat)Creamy, sweet soft-servey goodness mm mm mmm! I love living a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle and being able to finally eat in abundance. I eat as much as I care for until I am full and satisfied, and never feel regret after. For breakfast this morning, I decided I would go with Ice Cream. Besides regular mono meals, banana ice cream is my go-tobreakfast. It is so versatile, and extremely easy to make! Just throw frozen bananas into a food process (my preferred method) or a high speed blender with a touch of liquid (if needed) and pairings of choice. Process it until it is light and airy, like soft-serve, then dig right in!

Zucchini Noodles with Persimmon Ginger Dressing (hclf, raw)4 ingredients Fat-free Raw vegan Absolutely delicious :) Last year for Christmas I made a Raw Fall Zucchini Pasta + Ginger Persimmon Dressing that my family absolutely LOVED, so I thought I would bring this dish to the Ugly Sweater Vegan Potluck. I simplified the recipe quite a bit, and focused on highlighting the persimmons in. BEST. DRESSING. EVER.

Easy Vegan Holiday Chocolate Bark During the holidays, I absolutely love making treats for my family and friends. When going vegan, my treat ideas transformed! At first I was convinced that I had to stop this small tradition all together since I assumed that vegan sweets were, well, wack, but once I lived the lifestyle a bit longer and was exposed to the endless possibilities of both delicious AND healthy treats, a new vegan holiday tradition emerged. This is a simple and easy treat for those of you that may not find time in the midst of the busy holiday season to bake cookies and more complicated treats. With this Easy Vegan Holiday Chocolate Bark, feel free to customize the ingredients to your liking or that of the person you are gifting it to, and have fun!