02 Nov Pumpkin Pecan Milk (raw option)

GIVEAWAY #4 OF MY ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY SERIES! Prizes: Melissa's Produce: Deluxe Exotic and Tropical Basket Based on availability, this stunning assortment arranged in a woven basket with cellophane wrapping and colorful ribbon may include: Asian Pears, Blood Oranges, Feijoas, Kiwis, Kumquats, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Sapotes, Tamarillos, Lychees, Passion Fruit, Specialty...
You can even try out different flavor combos if sweet snacks are not your thang. If you've checked out my ebook, Sweet Simple Vegan: Lunch and Dinner, I shared my favorite variation of these, crunchy chili chickpeas, paired with my detox soup! If you haven't checked it out, you can find it here.