Gluten Free

Easy Balsamic Hemp Dressing57A beautiful farm to table summer salad for you all to brighten your day, actually dayS, since I know you are not only going to make this just once ;) I visited the farmers market and picked up the goodies you see in this salad and created a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. Easy Balsamic Hemp Dressing33Even if you do not have any of the other ingredients, all you need is this dressing, it is definitely the star of the show.

BAKEDSWEETPOTATOES61Dessert Dessert Baked Potatoes? Where have you been all my life! I was inspired by the classic, not-so-vegan, and definitely not healthy, baked potatoes that I grew up eating as a child. At first, I was going to create a veganized version of that classic, but why not take it to the next level and transform that idea into a dessert? Slow baked, naturally caramelized sweet potatoes (in three varieties), raw vegan macadamia coconut cream, freeze dried raspberries and fresh mint for that fresh kick. 

CORNBAOBAB59 (1)A creamy, vegan, oil-free and low-fat recipe for a soup, sauce, or even a dip. I created this with the intention of it being a soup, but I discovered that it could be enjoyed it in various ways. I couldn't decide which way I loved most, so I photographed and shared them all with you below. BaobabFarmersMarketA couple of weekend's ago, I visited the Hollywood Farmer's Market and came home with the beautiful organic produce pictured above, some of which inspired this recipe.

JACKFRUITHUMMUS13When visiting the LA Wholesale Produce District, I make sure to try and visit Greenfield Imports to see if I can pick up a jackfruit. After opening and cleaning the fruit, a myriad of jackfruit seeds always remains. For a while, I was boiling them to enjoy with salads or as a snack, but a girl could only eat so much and they grew unenjoyable after the fourth or fifth jackfruit I had brought home. I started to compost, and even just dispose of the seeds, but felt guilty after doing so and knew that there needed to be another way to make use of these. After brainstorming a few ideas with my auntie, this recipe was born and I had to share it with you all as soon as I could. 

I'm excited to share that my good friend Tess Masters, The Blender Girl, has recently released her newest book, The Blender Girl Smoothies. This book if filled with 100 different smoothie recipes using herbs, spices, greens, oils, and superfood combinations that will take you on a flavor journey that I can honestly say you have never been on before ;) Healthy smoothies that look gorgeous, taste amazing, and offer big nutritional bang-for-your-buck, could you ask for anything more?SSVBLENDER0935I still remember the first day I met Tess.