Gluten Free

Zucchini Noodles with Persimmon Ginger Dressing (hclf, raw)4 ingredients Fat-free Raw vegan Absolutely delicious :) Last year for Christmas I made a Raw Fall Zucchini Pasta + Ginger Persimmon Dressing that my family absolutely LOVED, so I thought I would bring this dish to the Ugly Sweater Vegan Potluck. I simplified the recipe quite a bit, and focused on highlighting the persimmons in. BEST. DRESSING. EVER.

5Healthy Chocolate Dessert HummusHealthy, Chocolate, Hummus?! What?! YES. Well, I call this hummus because it has beans in it, but it could also be considered a pudding or simply a dip for the matter. Whatever it is to you, just make it, please. You will thank me later.

1Healthy Chocolate Dessert HummusWhy you will love this recipe:

Smooth Creamy Decadent Guilt-Free Vegan Low-fat High in protein Gluten-free Avocado-free (oh yeah) So basically, there isn't any reason for you to NOT like this recipe. You will LOVE it!

Crispy Baked Zucchini & Potato Fries (gf) Blueberry Tahini Aioli (oil-free)If you live in Los Angeles, and you're vegan, I am quite certain you have heard of Organix. If not, what the heck is wrong with you!? Haha, kidding...kind of. Well, if for some odd reason you don't know what Organix is, let me fill you in. Organix is a unique market here in Eagle Rock that offers wholesome and nutritious foods that are mostly Organic, and they also specialize in gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan & vegetarian, non-GMO, and soy-free products. AND,  most importantly, they have a Vegan Delicatessen. That's right, a freaking vegan deli. WHAT?! Crispy Baked Zucchini & Potato Fries (gf) Blueberry Tahini Aioli (oil-free)

The holiday season is here! I decided to create a list of Healthy Vegan Holiday Gift Ideas for your vegans friends this year! These are gifts that I myself would love, and I recommend them based upon my personal experience and satisfaction with them. I hope that this list is helpful, or at least inspires some ideas in your mind for the perfect holiday gifts. Let me know what you think and also if you have any other ideas to share <3

70+ Healthy Vegan Holiday Gift Ideas 2014

A Produce Box/Basket

How to Adopt A Plant-Based Diet and Succeed

Healthy Vegan Holiday Gift Guide and Ideas 2014Fresh, local organic goodies!

  • All you need to do is purchase a cute box or basket (or recycle one/DIY) and fill it with the person's favorite produce items or produce that is seasonal in local to you, from places such as a farmer's market.
  • You can also pick out produce and put little notes on each, saying why you chose that ingredient or why it reminds you of the person.
  • Fill the box with specific ingredients and attach a recipe card for the person's favorite recipe and an "rsvp" phone number (yours) to set a date for you two to cook the recipe together.

Subscription Boxes

Sweet Pumpkin Chia PuddingI really thought that by the time this fall holiday season ended, I would be all pumpkin'd out, but I'm still on a pumpkin kick! I made another batch of my Pumpkin Pecan Milk and decided I would see how it would turn out as a Sweet Pumpkin Chia Pudding and oh my, this recipe is heaven in a cup. It is so light, yet it's decadent and creamy. My parents thought I was serving them some vegan junk food, and they devoured it!

Black Rice Pilaf + Veganish Book Review & Giveaway"Eat Smart, Get Healthy and Feel Beautiful Inside & Out"

Today I am going to review for you another resource that I recommend as part of my How to Adopt A Plant-Based Diet and Succeed. What I have here today is Veganish: The Omnivores Guide To Plant-Based Cooking. This book is definitely something I wish I had had while transitioning into a plant-based diet from a standard American diet. It covers literally every aspect of plant-based cooking, both nutritionally and culinarily. It basically helps you transition with no fears, worries or temptations. It covers any and every type of recipe you may be craving, and will help you prove to yourself, and the world, that living this lifestyle is not only easy, but it is enjoyable and such a beautiful way to live.

If you have ever dreamed of having a personal chef  to provide you with not only a healthy diet, but one that is great tasting, this book will do just that. Veganish offers a holistic approach to food that will make you healthy AND satisfied. This book will be your go-to guide.