Gluten Free

Roasted Brussels Sprouts w: Orange Maple Glaze and Thyme Roasted Cranberries One thing that I dislike about the holidays is all the stress I come under when it comes down to the cooking. I always try to plan ahead but, well, things don't always go as planned. I decided that this year I would make simple, easy vegetable dishes that I could share with those of you in the same shoes. Roasted Brussels Sprouts w: Orange Maple Glaze and Thyme Roasted Cranberries Brussels sprouts always get a bad rep for being stinky and bitter, but that's because your mamas were cooking them wrong for you as a kid. This recipe will make you appreciate these little gems and hopefully share them with your family during the holidays.

Cocoa Cherry Protein Holiday Fudge (Gluten-free) My next recipe for this Holiday season, a Cocoa Cherry Holiday Fudge that is gluten-free AND packed with plant-based protein! So far, I have shared my Healthy Gingerbread Smoothie (low-fat) and my Easy Vegan Holiday Chocolate Bark, with a few more up my sleeve these next 5 days! Fudge has been an integral part of my family's Christmas celebrations ever since I can remember. My mom's friend Kathy makes a fudge that my dad absolutely cannot resist, but ever since I went vegan and my family has been more mindful of our diet, he knows that her fudge is not what he should be eating. He asked if I could make a protein packed vegan fudge recipe, so I played around in the kitchen and came up with this.

Chinese Orange Cauliflower (hclf, raw option) I remember how much I used to love Chinese Orange Chicken when I was a kid, and how often my family and I would dine at Panda Inn and Panda Express growing up in Los Angeles. Oh how I DO NOT miss those days. It's hard to believe how unhealthy and careless my lifestyle used to be, and how much it has changed over the years. I am grateful that I have cleared my mind, discovered a healthier lifestyle with alternatives to old favorites such as this low-fat Chinese Orange Cauliflower recipe. I think it's safe to say that I am obsessed with this. I told my family I had to make it 3 times to "recipe test" it, but honestly I just wanted to have this 3 times last week and still wanted to make it again. SO GOOD. 1Chinese Orange Cauliflower (hclf, raw option)

Organic-Dried-Fruit-Compote-e1418354881392-739x1024 After Thanksgiving, I realized that I had a lot of leftover dried fruit and I had to figure out what to do with it! Well, after getting my hands on a copy of the book Veganish: The Omnivores Guide To Plant-Based Cooking, I found a recipe! I read and reviewed this book on a previous post, which you can find here <3 I definitely recommend this book to those that are transitioning into a plant-based diet. It covers basic topics of transitioning as well as specifics in cooking techniques that will help you improve your skills in the kitchen as well. Dried Fruit Compote & Giveaway

Apple Pie Ice Cream (raw, low-fat)Creamy, sweet soft-servey goodness mm mm mmm! I love living a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle and being able to finally eat in abundance. I eat as much as I care for until I am full and satisfied, and never feel regret after. For breakfast this morning, I decided I would go with Ice Cream. Besides regular mono meals, banana ice cream is my go-tobreakfast. It is so versatile, and extremely easy to make! Just throw frozen bananas into a food process (my preferred method) or a high speed blender with a touch of liquid (if needed) and pairings of choice. Process it until it is light and airy, like soft-serve, then dig right in!